Posted 11 ноября 2021,, 17:41

Published 11 ноября 2021,, 17:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Lukashenko threatened to cut off Russian gas pipeline

Lukashenko threatened to cut off Russian gas pipeline

11 ноября 2021, 17:41
During a meeting with the heads of the Council of the Ministry of Belarus, President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko said that he intends to toughly respond to the next package of sanctions that the European Union is preparing against the country in connection with the situation with migrants at the border.

The Belarusian leader pointed out that one should not "stop at anything while defending one's sovereignty and independence".

In addition, Alexander Lukashenko recalled that the transnational main export gas pipeline Yamal-Europe has been laid through Belarus, and recently the volume of gas transit from Russia to the West has grown significantly.

"We are heating Europe, they are still threatening us that they will close the border. And if we turn off natural gas there? Therefore, I would recommend that the Polish leadership, Lithuanians and other headless people think before speaking. But that's their business. If they close it, let them close it (border - ed.). But the Foreign Ministry must warn everyone in Europe: if only they impose additional sanctions on us, "indigestible" and "unacceptable" for us, we must respond. How to answer, we agreed with you six months ago", - the BelTA agency quotes Lukashenko as saying.

It's worth reminding that the European Union has promised to strengthen sanctions against Belarus. As stated by the acting. German Foreign Ministry Heiko Maas, the EU will introduce sectoral restrictions, including on the supply of potassium.

"The EU will expand and tighten sanctions against the Lukashenko regime. We will make a decision on these on Monday [November 15]. Those individuals and companies who are involved in purposeful transportation of illegal migrants, subject to sanctions, namely, around the world< - TASS quotes Maas's words.

The head of the department stressed that it is Lukashenko who is "responsible for the suffering" of migrants at the border.