Posted 11 ноября 2021, 20:27

Published 11 ноября 2021, 20:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Sexuality as a disease: what is the danger of nymphomania in young and old age

Sexuality as a disease: what is the danger of nymphomania in young and old age

11 ноября 2021, 20:27
Doctors believe that female hypersexuality is a disease that needs to be fought.

The journalist Vitaly Drobyshev addressed in his publication a rather unusual problem - nymphomania, a pathological sexual attraction, which, according to doctors, occurs in one out of 2,500 women. Moreover, not only young people, but often the elderly, and sometimes develops during menopause. Hence the expression about "a woman with a berry again." Such women have the worst of all, since their husbands are no longer able to satisfy their increased needs, and for those who do not have a husband, it is almost impossible to find a young temperamental lover. So it turns out that not poor nymphomaniacs use call boys, looking for them on the Internet.

The very same term came from ancient Greek myths, in which nymphs lured men into the thicket of the forest in order to satisfy their sensual needs. The word comes from the Greek nymphe - young woman, bride, and manía - madness, painful sex drive.

It is also called "uterine rabies", but few people know that this concept was introduced by Plato, who did not like women. He believed that the uterus is not an organ at all, but a beast that has settled in a woman's body, which is constantly in sexual desire. He wanders through the body and brings a woman to frenzy and various diseases. In ancient times, doctors, in order to put the "beast" in its place, applied incense to the vagina of an obsessed woman.

Doctors consider nymphomania to be a disease caused by endocrine, nervous or mental disorders. It is clear that a woman suffering from this disease is not happy with her, but she cannot fight it herself, and therefore enters into sexual intercourse at any opportunity. As a rule, such women experience a violent and prolonged orgasm, and their number per night can reach up to 20.

The main sign of a nymphomaniac is her only requirement for a man: the presence of a genital organ, and the rest does not matter. So such a woman is ready to run out into the street during an attack and literally surrender herself to the first person she comes across.

In the old days, about women whose husbands often died, they said that "they drove them", and they suspected that they were witches.

Doctors believe that nymphomania can develop in girls who have sex life early - those same nymphets - and therefore advise their families to pay more attention and warmth to their daughters so that they feel parental love and do not seek adventure on the side.

Unfortunately, many nymphomaniac girls do not even suspect that they are sick, but consider themselves sex bombs, endowed by nature with a huge temperament. They do not go to doctors, but simply change partners. However, the doctors themselves can not always distinguish a nymphomaniac from a girl with a strong libido without a long study.

Nymphomania can develop due to stress, overload, fear, disorder, and very often interferes with a woman's normal life. Often, doctors prescribe bromine or chlorpromazine tablets to such patients, and less often refer to a psychotherapist. Sometimes you can get rid of nymphomania only with the help of a neurosurgeon.

Doctors explain this ailment not only with psychological, but also hormonal problems, and as a preventive measure, they advise to actively pursue a career, hobby or sports. Jogging or long walks with the dog can help get rid of increased sexuality. In any case, this is better than running after another man, risking the loss of family and health.

However, often nymphomania is false, which is explained by simple sexual promiscuity or an attempt to compensate for failures and internal emptiness with the help of promiscuous sexual intercourse. A good psychotherapist is needed here if you lack character.
