Posted 15 ноября 2021, 08:10

Published 15 ноября 2021, 08:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Yekaterinburg police officers are ready to quit, but not to fulfill plans for fines

Yekaterinburg police officers are ready to quit, but not to fulfill plans for fines

15 ноября 2021, 08:10
This conclusion follows from the report of the regional publication, which told about the dismissal of police officers who do not want to fulfill the "plans" for fines, which are obligatory for all patrols, despite the fact that the "cane" system in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been canceled.

Hooray. ru demonstrates an official document of the local police. It directly and without any reservations says:

"It is necessary to draw up 2 protocols for each according to article 20.6.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (failure to comply with the rules of conduct in an emergency or the threat of its occurrence), check 2 objects and conversations with citizens about alcohol," - said in a document signed by the deputy head of the police department department.

“Because of this cane system, many employees are leaving. There is also information that in all departments plans are being made to punish citizens with protocols according to the mask regime”, - a source told URA.RU.

However, what was written on paper proved difficult to put into practice. Police are people too, and few people want to fine old pensioners who can barely make ends meet in search of discounted food in stores. The same applies to tipsy people who do not threaten public order in any way, but are forced to make excuses for "having a jag on 150 ml".

As a rule, such actions are associated with public conflicts, during which people are not shy and say what they think about the police and about the authorities in general.

By the way, the fines for violating an incorrectly worn mask, or its absence, are not at all comic and range from one to 30 thousand rubles.

When the police are replaced by Rospotrebnadzor, whose employees also take part in the raids, they are fined from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

The information policy department of the Sverdlovsk region told URA.RU that the "events" are not intended to fine the residents. “The main task is to remind the townspeople of the need to comply with the mask regime”, - the department said.

However, in practice, such reminders are too expensive - both for violators of sanitary rules and for the inspectors themselves.

"It is necessary to draw up 2 protocols for each according to article 20.6.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (failure to comply with the rules of conduct in an emergency or the threat of its occurrence), check 2 objects and conversations with citizens about alcohol," - said in a document signed by the deputy head of the OP department.
