Posted 16 ноября 2021,, 09:07

Published 16 ноября 2021,, 09:07

Modified 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

Updated 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

QR-coding postponed: did the authorities hear the voice of the "deep people"?

16 ноября 2021, 09:07
Дмитрий Михайличенко
The protests against the introduction of QR codes demonstrated that civil society still exists in the country.

Dmitry Mikhailychenko, political analyst

The federal center refuses to blitzkrieg with QR-coding of all Russia. The voice of public disagreement is partly heard. (The State Duma postponed the adoption of the law on codes for a month - editor's note) Many probably noticed: despite the exclusion of the protest topic from the field of public attention with the help of key mass media, the voices of dissent of the “deep people” against QR-coding were heard, and, in some places, very loudly.

This is undoubtedly positive news, which suggests that the fatally pessimistic forecasts of the death of civil society in the country are somewhat exaggerated. But it is too early to speak about the resuscitation of the forms of horizontal civic subjectivity and activist political culture.

Russian society categorically does not want to live in a digital freak show, and moderate conservatism does not fit well with the total state control over society and dystopian QR-schism. In fact, the number of supporters of the introduction of QR-codes in the Russian society is minimal, and the System did not dare to resist such unanimity of society outright.

But, nevertheless, the main reason is not spontaneous, albeit powerful, public protest. There is no consensus in the structures of the ruling class about the need to introduce QR-codes. The QR-nerve of the System is obvious: there are lines of confrontation among the elites. To many (in my opinion, rightly so) among the ruling class, such a measure seems redundant and unnecessary right now. Therefore, it seems that the System took a break until December 14. I believe that there is no final decision on the plan for QR-coding of all Russia yet. Therefore, at least two diametrically opposite scenarios are possible.

1. The system will take advantage of the pause, all key socio-political institutions (up to the Public and Audit Chambers) will speak out on the bill, "constructive amendments" and other mitigations will be made to it, and it will be adopted. Thus, all actors will take responsibility for the unpopular decision, and toxicity will not be projected only on the State Duma and the federal government.

2. Either turn on reverse. In a month, it will be quite possible to say that the situation with the covid has returned to normal, and there is no need to enter QR codes yet. And this will mean that the System did not want to go to confrontation with society and avoided an extremely unpopular decision. Then the head of state may declare that it is generally inappropriate and thus slightly raise his rating.

Written specially for the telegram channel "Kremlin Madness" ("Kremlyovsky Bezbashennik")