Posted 17 ноября 2021,, 11:37

Published 17 ноября 2021,, 11:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Not cheaper, but more obedient! Why construction companies love labor migrants so much

17 ноября 2021, 11:37
A well-known businessman admitted that the cheapness of labor for Central Asian migrant workers is a myth.

The head of the Crocus Group, billionaire Araz Agalarov, spoke about how much migrants from Central Asia cost Russian construction companies, according to the Pool Nr. 3 channel. It turned out to be very expensive, much more expensive than the citizens of Russia. If you believe Agalarov, then it turns out that the matter is not at all in some outrageous demands of the Russians, and not in the cheapness of migrants from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan. However, here's what the billionaire said:

- Why aren't local builders used? Who will go to work in Kamchatka? We cannot find people willing to work there.

- There was a strong failure for the workers, but we restored it. Previously, a handyman received 35-40 thousand rubles. per month. Now less than 50-60 thousand rubles. nobody agrees.

- If workers come to you, they are not tied to any address due to the patent. They are bought by other contractors for neighboring construction sites for 10–20 thousand rubles, so as not to bring and pay for a patent. Nothing can be done about it. You should always lay a percentage on the fact that some people will leave [you] for various reasons.

- Taxes and insurance premiums - about 37.5%, in addition, for a foreign employee, we compensate for a patent from 5 thousand to 6.5 thousand rubles. monthly. In addition, we cover the costs of three meals a day (600 rubles per day), accommodation in a hostel, winter and summer overalls. As a result, the average foreign worker costs 120-130 thousand rubles, although he receives 60-80 thousand rubles in his hands.

- In addition, we pay for transportation costs, registration of work permits, medical certificates, and so on - and it costs another 100-110 thousand rubles. Due to covid measures and the closure of borders, changes are introduced in the legislation, and we are faced with the difficulty of bringing in foreign citizens - we have to order special flights. As a result, construction sites have risen in price.

Journalist Pavel Pryanikov responded to these revelations of Agalarov in the following way:

“No comments are even required here. This is simply an elementary unwillingness of the authorities to develop their own labor market. And for only one reason: Central Asia is submissive (for now), and a Russian worker for a salary of 120-130 thousand, which in reality costs a migrant, will demand the right, an improvement in the quality of life and the quality of management (which, to put it mildly, is very low ). Further, it will demand its participation in politics (at least at the local level), will question the competence of dense liberals and security officers. Well, and then with all that it implies.

And so - for the sake of survival, a Russian must compete with an Uzbek and a Tajik (evaluate himself lower than a resident of a prehistoric village), bring down the price for his labor and keep his dissatisfaction with the existing order of things to himself..."