Posted 19 ноября 2021,, 13:01

Published 19 ноября 2021,, 13:01

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Experts - on the US intention not to recognize Putin as president: "An unprecedented provocation!"

19 ноября 2021, 13:01
The US Congress will consider a draft resolution stating that any attempt by Putin to remain in office after the end of his current term must entail non-recognition by the United States.

As Novye Izvestia has already reported, a draft resolution on the non-recognition of Putin as president after 2024 has been submitted to the US Congress.

A proposal was made to the House of Representatives of the US Congress not to recognize Vladimir Putin as the head of the Russian state if he runs for a new term in 2024. If the resolution is adopted, it will be advisory in nature.

Authors Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson write that Mr Putin is in power through electoral irregularities and that his continued tenure is illegal. Also, amendments to the Constitution of 2020 were called violating the laws and international obligations of Russia.

This news, as expected, caused a lot of responses in Russia. The draft resolution submitted to the US Congress on non-recognition of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia if he decides to run for a new term in 2024 is interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation and a provocation aimed at disrupting bilateral relations. This was stated by the vice-speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachyov.

The adoption of the resolution will lead to the rupture of Russian-American relations, Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on international affairs, told RIA Novosti.

The expert of the "Master of the Pen" (Master pera - editor's note) channel also considers this initiative a provocation:

“The resolution on non-recognition of the“ zeroed ”term of the Russian president, submitted to the US House of Representatives, is, of course, provocative from all sides. Following the tradition of not succumbing to pressure, such a step forces the President of Russia, disdaining such a signal from external partners, to go to the elections in 2024 and win with an unprecedented result in order to demonstrate the country's response to the intrigues of the West. But if the president has other plans for the future, then the initiative of the American congressmen psychologically and politically complicates their implementation, because if the transfer of power is launched, it may seem that Moscow is acting, among other things, under outside influence. In addition, the initiative of the US congressmen also unequivocally alludes to the equalization of the Russian president with Lukashenko, who after last year's elections was deprived of international recognition with all the ensuing problems that are now difficult to be solved solely through the support of the Russian authorities. And if the president of the Russian Federation hypothetically finds himself in such a situation, then there will be no one to rely on, apart from the army, the navy and Lavrov and Zakharova.

Of course, it will hardly come to the adoption of such a resolution by the Congress, since it would mean an intensification of the confrontation to an unacceptable scale. However, the very fact of drawing up its draft and submitting it to the Congress is the beginning of the active phase of the game to contain the Russian partner and an act of serious pressure on him, which will certainly not go unanswered ... "

Publicist Anatoly Nesmiyan believes that this initiative is addressed primarily to Putin's entourage:

“The approach is understandable: if such a resolution is adopted, it will be practically impossible for the US President to pursue official relations. Unofficial is not a question, but Putin's status in this case will be omitted, which, of course, will create not only moral difficulties.

From a political point of view, this decision is directed at Putin's entourage: you have time, you decide there. But starting in 2024, you will not have the easiest times. One way or another, the "suspended" status of Putin will be projected onto the government of the Russian Federation, which means that the Russian nobility on US territory will feel uncomfortable. Well, and besides, the United States, unlike Russia, has allies, and they will have to focus on America's position.

(…) Frankly speaking, such a step has been taken almost for the first time in Russian-American relations. There was a period when the Soviet government was not recognized by anyone, but there at least this was explained by the procedure for coming to power - through a coup. In such cases, hitch always occurs - the same Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) has not yet been recognized as a legitimate government.

But to declare illegitimate, and even in advance - this has never happened..."