Posted 22 ноября 2021,, 07:37

Published 22 ноября 2021,, 07:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Effect of QR-codes: Russian students will not be able to return home from Western universities

22 ноября 2021, 07:37
Russian students who have left to study at European and American universities will not be able to fly home for the holidays, because in Russia they will be considered "anti-vaxxers".

In one of the groups uniting Russian citizens living abroad, a post appeared dedicated to the problems of those who were vaccinated with a foreign vaccine and are going to visit Russia. Let's say right away: you won't envy them...

“Gentlemen vaccinated with a non-Russian vaccine - and how do you plan to get to Russia after entering QR-codes, which are only after vaccination with the Russian vaccine and only with a piece of paper on public services, or having been ill, with a piece of paper on the same public services. There are no other options at all. How will you go to Russia, or rather, how will you get out of it after that?

Less and less medical and more and more phalometry and idiocy.

I was one of the first to get vaccinated before it was mainstream. Sputnik V in January, the second dose in February.

Then summer came, my daughter (17) graduated from school and after some adventures with admission to Moscow, we went to enter Germany.

By that time, there appeared (July 1) the requirements for QR-codes - 3G (Geimpfte, Genesene, Getestete - either vaccinated, or had been ill, or there is a fresh test) and based on the fact that the daughter will study there, take tests every other day and from November 1, they become paid (before that they were free), after receiving positive results of entrance exams, they went to Romania (which, by the way, along with many countries, recognizes Sputnik-V and lets them in without quarantine) and were vaccinated with BioNTech aka Pfizer absolutely free of charge and instead of paper, that I will be to blame for everything (when you are vaccinated with Sputnik, everyone signs this - removing any responsibility from the Russian state) give a reminder that you are insured and the state (not Russian) will be responsible for any complications after vaccines.

My daughter was vaccinated immediately upon reaching the age of 18, and I have a revaccination according to the best scenario, which is recommended by all specialized doctors, including the Moscow Department of Health, WHO and the Russian Ministry of Health: the best option after the vector is mRNA. But this is not available to everyone, so the second time Sputnik is better than nothing, but in any case, Pfizer or Modern is generally the best choice for revaccination after Sputnik. This is the best option, recommended by all doctors, and we succeeded.

Now it was planned that the daughter would be able to come home to her parents and friends to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. But it will not work. Because according to Russian law, we are now all anti-vaxxers. Vaccination with 2 doses of Pfizer at the end of September means nothing - we should only have Sputnik. No tests - QR only after vaccination (Sputnik only or after illness). Even if you completely spit on your health and inject this Sputnik into a child after the recent Pfizer, she still cannot get vaccinated.

Holidays from 24.12 to 07.01. And the period between doses is 3 weeks! This turns out to be a ban on the return of all those who dare to study somewhere abroad. For on the return flight she will no longer be allowed on the plane, because either to get sick, or to inject herself with a "Sputnik" over the "Pfizer". In this case, a time machine is needed, which will stretch one and a half weeks to three. Otherwise, they will not be allowed on the plane, because there will be QR-s, which cannot be obtained legally. Well, how not to think about buying certificates?

This is how the most loyal to vaccination become anti-vaxxers. The wife said: “You get into the car, you’ll get to the Finnish border, you’ll cross there and your daughter will somehow get there, aren’t there animals?” There are no animals, there...

Other parents simply fly to some third country so that Russian citizens can meet with their own children, also Russian citizens. At the same time, they are not under investigation and have not violated any laws, but they need to meet somewhere abroad, and better secretly.

All law-abiding people are forced to look for ways of violation. What are they going to do with that very deep people who do not soar, but immediately grab the pitchfork? They, too, will be baked someday.

I repeat: we fully support the need for vaccination, everyone has already been vaccinated 2 times, 2 doses each. The child is still only in 2 doses due to youth. But all the same, everyone will call us anti-vaxxers, and they will scream, get out to your Europe. Well, we'll get out. Who will remain with you? There, in Germany, hundreds of students from Moscow State University, Baumanka, Higher School of Economics, MIPT, who dropped out of these respected universities after the first, second, third year and entered the first year from scratch, just to get away from all this..."