Posted 23 ноября 2021, 07:53

Published 23 ноября 2021, 07:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Fifth wave of coronavirus pandemic started in France

23 ноября 2021, 07:53
The French authorities said that the fifth wave of the spread of covid has begun in the country. This is evidenced by the rapid increase in the number of infections.

As the representative of the French government Gabriel Attal said on November 22 on the air of radio Europe 1, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection increased by 80% in a week. About 17 thousand people fall ill in the country every day.

“According to Attal, this means the beginning of a new, already the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic”, - notes IA Regnum.

To reduce the percentage of cases, the country's authorities are strenuously pursuing a vaccination program. So far, the government has not decided on the introduction of a hard lockdown, as was done in Austria.

There is no talk of tightening restrictions for the unvaccinated yet, but the authorities intend to keep the sanitary passes. Officials call them a key means of preventing the spread of infection.

Earlier it was reported that in a number of Russian regions due to the covid pandemic, the authorities resorted to the introduction of extremely harsh measures. So, the authorities of Tatarstan from November 22 have introduced travel in public transport only by QR-codes, by a certificate of a recently transferred illness or medical treatment. On Monday morning, over 500 residents of Kazan were kicked out of the buses in the cold, since these passengers did not have a QR-code, inkazan reports.

Taxi drivers and private carriers appeared at public transport stops, ready to take people to work for a large fee. At the same time, prices for the services of official taxi companies have doubled.
