Posted 23 ноября 2021,, 05:48

Published 23 ноября 2021,, 05:48

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Food and drinks ranked first among buyers on Black Friday

Food and drinks ranked first among buyers on Black Friday

23 ноября 2021, 05:48
85% of buyers do not trust the discount prices on sale days. However, the Russians took advantage of the Black Friday special offers and actively bought, mainly, food and drinks.

As follows from a survey conducted by the Rambler & Co media holding, the results of which arecited by RIA Novosti, 22% of respondents purchased food and drinks on hot days. 17% took the opportunity to buy cheaper medicines and gifts for the holidays. 16% bought household appliances, and 13% purchased shoes and clothing at a discount. Books were bought by 8% of the study participants.

Among the least demanded goods for which discounts were applied were furniture and household goods - 4% , cosmetics and care products - 2% , jewelry and accessories - 1% .

Analysts found that 85% of shoppers still do not trust sales offers and check prices. 15% believe that sellers honestly cut the price of their products during sales. A third of the respondents noted that they prefer to make purchases in offline stores, another third will prefer online shopping, and a third are going to buy what they need both on the Internet and in regular stores.

55% of survey participants noted that they do not spend more than 3 thousand rubles on sales. For 19%, the “sale” budget was 3-10 thousand rubles. 9% are purchased on the days of discounts for an amount of 10 to 20 thousand rubles. 6% spend more - 20-50 thousand rubles.

It is noteworthy that 71% of citizens do not plan purchases on Black Friday, and 19% do not know at all what this means. Only every tenth buyer prepares for the days of total discounts in advance.

53% have not yet made a purchase decision. 22% make a list in advance. 18% prefer to shop according to their mood, spontaneously. 7% , although planning to buy, still go beyond the list.

Black Friday is the most famous sale in the world. In 2021, it will fall on November 26 and will last until the 29th.

Recall that at another large sale - "Bachelor's Day" - Russians spent 3.5 times more money online than last year. And Chinese shoppers have broken last year's record for this 2021 sale with $ 139.1 billion in purchases, although consumer income growth in the country has slowed due to the coronavirus pandemic.