Posted 23 ноября 2021,, 07:42

Published 23 ноября 2021,, 07:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

In Vyborg, a desperate blockade woman with cancer herself implemented a surgery

23 ноября 2021, 07:42
The Leningrad Oblast Health Committee appointed an inspection in Vyborg on the fact of failure to provide medical assistance to a blockade pensioner, who was forced to perform an operation on herself in order to alleviate her suffering.

The heartbreaking story of a pensioner suffering from unbearable pain was told in social networks by an ambulance paramedic who came to the call.

As noted by "Podyem", the pensioner has an aggravated oncological disease, because of this, fluid (ascites) has accumulated in the abdominal cavity.

“The planned medical care could not be provided to her on time because of covid, so the woman decided to relieve the suffering herself and underwent a laparocentesis - she made several incisions in the abdominal wall to remove fluid,” the message says.

The publication reports that the grandmother, who went through the Great Patriotic War and the blockade, and did not wait for the help of doctors in the 21st century, decided to independently conduct a laparocentesis for herself - cuts with a thin knife along the anterior abdominal wall to remove fluid.

“The grandmother was not sure of her actions, so she wrote a suicide note for her daughter and grandchildren, in which she apologized to them and explained her decision with terrible pain,” the message says.

An ambulance arrived to the old woman after she had performed an operation on herself. Doctors took the pensioner to the hospital, now the victim needs palliative care.

"Surgical intervention due to despair, is it possible in the 21st century?"

“Old people are the litmus test of society. And if in peacetime old people operate on themselves, this is a disaster. Thanks to granny, we live in a world without fascism. Now the main thing is not to become fascists yourself. I appeal to worthy DOCTORS, who could help the granny, you cannot, of course, cure, but at least alleviate the suffering, allow to meet death with dignity, without suffering, it is possible, ”the paramedic addressed the subscribers.