"The draft law will be considered by the relevant committee at the end of the mailing period. In the first reading, it is planned to consider the bill also in December", - TASS quotes the words of its source in the committee apparatus.
Note that in the December calendar of consideration of issues in the State Duma there are no bills on QR-codes.
On November 12, the government submitted for consideration to the State Duma bills on the introduction of unified QR-codes throughout the country. If these bills are adopted, as early as February 1, 2022, Russians will be able to attend public events, restaurants and cafes, cultural institutions only by QR codes, or by certificates of a recent illness. The authorities also propose introducing QR-codes checking when buying train and plane tickets.
Recall that against the introduction of uniform of QR-codes on the passes vaccination COVID-19 across the country made 42% of Russians.