Coronavirus nasal vaccine: how it differs from the others

Coronavirus nasal vaccine: how it differs from the others

24 ноября 2021, 19:11
The news that the Russian president was vaccinated today with the Russian nasal vaccine is in the headlines of world agencies. Novye Izvestia found out what is this innovation on the Russian pharmaceutical market and what is the effect of this vaccine.

Irina Mishina

Virologists are still rather cautious in commenting on this news: there are almost no detailed data on the nasal vaccine. However, there is no open source and data on other Russian vaccines. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences Nakolay Malyshev, this information is available exclusively to the medical community.

We asked about it the Russian virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Gamaleya center Anatoly Altstein.

"The nasal vaccine with which Vladimir Putin was vaccinated is the same as Sputnik V. This vaccine enters the back wall of the nasopharynx, penetrates the cells, lymph nodes, tonsils. As a result, the body more actively produces immunoglobulin A. This immunoglobulin is localized in the mucous membranes, which are considered the gateway for the virus. The nasal vaccine is still under development, trials are in the third phase, several thousand people are participating in the trials. The President has become one of them", - the Russian scientist told Novye Izvestia.

It is worth noting that in Russia today there is no system that would collect and analyze the consequences of vaccination. Such administration of vaccines exists in the United States. There, back in 1990, a system for recording the negative consequences of vaccinations was created. There is a similar system in the European Union, it is called EudraVigilance (EV). In the EU, according to EV data, as of October 9, there were 27,247 deaths and 2,563,768 vaccinations.

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