Question of the day: why will the families of the dead miners receive miserable compensation?

26 ноября 2021, 16:46
The authorities are going to pay 3 million rubles each to the families of miners and rescuers who died in the Listvyazhnaya mine, while the net profit of this mine alone amounted to more than 830 million in 2020.

As you know, as a result of the explosion that occurred after the release of methane in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the town of Belovo, Kemerovo Region, on November 25, 52 people died, including miners and rescuers. Another 63 people were injured.

This tragedy caused a wide resonance in society, its circumstances and the conclusions that the country's authorities will draw from it, worries everyone. Economist Dmitry Prokofiev was concerned with an extremely important topic in this regard - compensation that will be received by the families of breadwinners. And it is negligible.

I am reading: “The production capacity of the mine is 5.2 million tons of coal per year. According to the service "", its revenue in 2020 amounted to 9.4 billion rubles, net profit - 836.7 million rubles. " 10 million euros.

I have written many times, and I can only repeat that the only thing that can make mine owners invest in ensuring the safety of miners is millions (in dollars) compensation for the families of the victims.

There is no other motivation for these people.

Only through money.

In another way, these people do not understand and will never understand. This is how they work.

A million dollars for the life of a miner.

The people in your mines are risking their lives - you are risking your fortune. Fair

Then there is some hope.

As long as hundreds of thousands of rubles will be paid “for life”, nothing will change.

The reader writes.

"A few days ago I received documents on corporate insurance (foreign company) - 75 thousand rubles in case of death."

This is what is called motivation. There is nothing impossible in paying a million dollars for the life of an employee - it is a matter of insurance and risk assessment. If you don't want to pay, you reduce the risks. You invest in security. The only way…"

Journalist Pavel Pryanikov fully supports this point of view:

“The first messages were sent, how much will be paid to the families of those killed in the Listvyazhnaya mine.

“Families of those killed at the Listvyazhnaya mine will receive 1 million rubles each from the Social Insurance Fund.

The Listvyazhnaya mine will pay the relatives of the victims 2 million rubles each, in addition to the payments stipulated by the law".

Those. 3 million rubles each for the deceased.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the authorities are now vividly lamenting, they say the words on duty about condolences. If you want to really condole - pay at least 30-40 million rubles. the families of the victims who have lost their breadwinners. And the best thing is that this money would be paid by the SDS company, which includes the Listvyazhnaya mine. The president of SDS-Ugol, Mikhail Fedyaev, is included in the Forbes-200 list, and his son is a State Duma deputy from United Russia.

Money for the families of the victims is on the same level as a walk to London for them..."

Network analyst Vladimir Melikhov adds:

“A terrible tragedy. And it couldn't have ended well. This year alone, in 2021, Rostekhnadzor identified 914 violations at this mine. The mine was stopped ten times, but reopened, without changing anything in the system of its safe operation for miners.

On the other hand, Mikhail Fedyaev (the owner of this mine by 95%) ranks 177th in the rating “200 richest businessmen in Russia-2020”, and the mine's revenue last year amounted to 9.4 billion rubles. The son of Mikhail Fedyaev, Pavel, has been a State Duma deputy since 2011. They are fine. From their generosity, they announced that they would pay the families of the victims 2 million rubles each.

This is a typical situation for Russia. Some die for the sake of the greed of others. Of course, the switchman - the director of the mine - will be the last one. But he was not in charge of the distribution of profits and the allocation of funds to ensure the safe work of miners. The owner did this, increasing his personal well-being by saving on security.

How many such cases have already been - do not count. On the same Listvyazhnaya 5 years ago there was already a death of miners..."

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