Posted 29 ноября 2021, 13:56

Published 29 ноября 2021, 13:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The figure of the day: the owners of Listvyazhnaya owe at least 7.5 million rubles for each victim

29 ноября 2021, 13:56
According to the expert's calculations, this is the net profit that, on average, each miner gave to his employers.

The tragedy at the Listvyazhnaya mine, where 51 people died and another 92 were injured as a result of a methane explosion, continues to be discussed on social networks and the media. Almost everyone is outraged at the scanty compensation promised to the families of the victims. The governor of the Kemerovo region, Sergei Tsivilev, called the mind-boggling sums: “From the side of the authorities - the government of Kuzbass and municipalities - there will be the following payments, which we will start on Monday. Payments will be made for the dead - 150 thousand rubles from the region and 100 thousand rubles from the district, a total of 250 thousand rubles..."

Let us recall how the economist Dmitry Prokofiyev responded to this savagery:

“I have written many times, and I can only repeat that the only thing that can make mine owners invest in ensuring the safety of miners is millions (in dollars) compensation for the families of the victims.

There is no other motivation for these people.

Only through money.

In another way, these people do not understand and will never understand. This is how they work.

A million dollars for the life of a miner.

The people in your mines are risking their lives - you are risking your fortune. Fair

Then there is some hope.

As long as hundreds of thousands of rubles will be paid "for life", nothing will change ... "

And journalist Alexander Malyutin was not too lazy and calculated the real MINIMUM amount of payments that the families of the dead miners could count on:

“As for the responsibility of the owners for the life and health of workers, there is no particular point in calling them to humanism - they perceived and will perceive their workers, that is, strangers, exclusively as a labor force generating profit. And you don't need to worry about this - but you need to use this consideration to calculate fines for the death of an employee.

The size of the fine should be unacceptable for the owner - only then will he really think about saving the employee's life. Let's take the figures for the same Listvyazhnaya mine. According to Vedomosti and SPARK, the mine employs 1,700 people. generated about 840 million in net profit in 2020. Let's not guess how true the profit data provided in SPARK is - real, at least not less

Total, we get about 500 thousand rubles per employee. per year of net profit. Let's say a miner has worked for 30 years before retirement, and also let's say that at the time of the accident, the miners' experience was distributed evenly, that is, the dead worked on average 15 years. That is, on average, one miner brought 7.5 million rubles to the company (owners) before his death. - this is the minimum amount that, in theory, needs to be collected from the company for one victim. And more is better - one and a half to two times. So that the death was certainly unprofitable.

Do not find fault with the obvious roughness of the numbers. The calculation, of course, is very barbaric, but correct..."

And this is so: if profit is above all for the owner, he still will not understand another approach to the death of an employee.