Posted 2 декабря 2021,, 07:23

Published 2 декабря 2021,, 07:23

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Muscovites will receive medical exemption from vaccinations under the new rules

Muscovites will receive medical exemption from vaccinations under the new rules

2 декабря 2021, 07:23
The Moscow Department of Health has initiated the receipt by the townspeople of a medical exemption from vaccination against coronavirus using a new algorithm. From December 2, it will be possible to issue a medical recusal on the State Services portal.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health approved the procedure and form of certificates on the presence of contraindications to vaccination or the fact of a previous illness, on the basis of which a certificate containing a QR-code will be issued.

"The fact of confirmation of the issued medical withdrawal will be a certificate that is contained on the State Services portal. The new rules will enter into force on February 1, 2022", - said the Department of Health.

In order to minimize the risks when citizens with real contraindications to vaccination receive an electronic certificate on the State Services, a register of medical outlets will be pre-formed in a single digital platform.

Note that today the restrictions associated with the need to present a-QR code are in effect in almost all Russian regions. Earlier, "NI" talked about how and where to find a QR-code on State Services, and what options are there for saving the code for quick access to information.