Goodness returns! Bloggers donated a car to a taxi driver who gave them a ride for free

Goodness returns! Bloggers donated a car to a taxi driver who gave them a ride for free

3 декабря 2021, 10:48
Two Moscow bloggers held an unspoken competition on air, the winner of which received a valuable gift - a new car.

Russian reality does not often indulge in good news, and therefore the event, which will be discussed below, is more than worthy of the widest publicity. Two Moscow bloggers, Harutyun Nazaryan and Huseyn Hasanov, conducted a social experiment called "Good Returns", deciding to check which of the taxi drivers would respond to their request to take them for free. If there is such a daredevil, he will receive a new car, - they said and began to film the course of the experiment. Of course, there were refusals, but fortunately, not too many, and soon they were already sitting in the car with the driver who came to their aid.

It turned out that he came to Moscow from Kyrgyzstan a long time ago, earns about 40 thousand rubles a month, saves money for the operation of one of his two daughters, who suffers from congenital deafness in one ear.

The bloggers asked the taxi driver to drive up to the car dealership, and there they bought him a brand new Kia Rio - exactly the same one he drove. The happy driver could not contain his feelings and burst into tears...

#Human #People #Общество #Blogger #News #Moscow region #Life #Taxi #Human nature #Situation #Society