Posted 8 декабря 2021,, 14:19

Published 8 декабря 2021,, 14:19

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Wikipedia threatens our state!" The leader of the "Night Wolves" replied to "Novye Izvestia"

8 декабря 2021, 14:19
The president of the Night Wolves motorcycle club, Alexander Khirurg, published a response to the material of Novye Izvestia regarding the reliability of the information contained in the Russian-language Wikipedia.

The editorial office of Novye Izvestia received a letter from the president of the Night Wolves motorcycle club, Alexander Khirurg, which says:

“Yesterday, Novye Izvestia published an open letter from Channel 1 host Yekaterina Andreyeva.

In view of the publication of material related, among other things, to my name, I want to inform the respected publication that in the dispute with Wikipedia I fully support the host of Channel 1, Yekaterina Andreyeva!

The question raised by the presenter of the 1st channel is beyond the bounds of a private dispute.

This is, in fact, about the supremacy of Russian laws, as well as the protection of its citizens, including from information terrorism.

The question is not what the Surgeon collected in publications there, and what allowed him after 10 years (since 2012) of the dispute to eventually change the spelling of his surname, but that an American resource working in Russia and designed to replace ours really scientific source - the Soviet, and now the Russian encyclopedia, DO NOT RECOGNIZE OUR RUSSIAN DOCUMENTS!

This means that the facts do NOT matter for the global publication! What matters is the coverage or interpretation of facts, including fictional ones.

Who can explain to me why on the territory of the Russian Federation the FUNDAMENTAL DOCUMENT - PASSPORT - is not a document confirming the identity, year of birth and full name ??!

So, for example, in my case, Wikipedia not only published the wrong surname, which made life difficult due to endless errors in the documents, but also distorted information about my education, which they indicated in a double version.

Like, according to some, he graduated from the medical institute, but according to others - no.

Although no data on incomplete education has ever existed. And all the conclusions were based solely on the speculation and inference of a certain moderator Leonrid, very far from medicine.

And this is despite the fact that I have provided and published all the documents confirming my profession and graduation from a medical university: a work book, both diplomas - including a residency diploma and even a military ID with an officer's rank.

All these tricks and writing inaccurate information are not done with the aim of providing knowledge, but with the aim of misleading or creating a negative background and image of a particular person / event, which is necessary for the publication itself.

Nevertheless, for a long time there was information on the pages of Wiki that contradicted real facts and did not correspond to reality.

Then it is nothing more than the publication of deliberately false information, and a violation of the law on the media.

In this regard, I appeal to the government of the Russian Federation with a request to check the Wikipedia resource for compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation.

Wikipedia cannot be considered a trustworthy source when writing a scientific article and dissertation. This has long been known in the scientific community, and you will not find a reference to it in any scientific work. The reason is the quality of Wikipedia articles, most of them are garbage, they are filled with unfair information, fake facts, written by authors with dubious authority, or are generally anonymous.

Wikipedia has gained serious popularity, and its "educational" activity in the vastness of our country threatens to destroy truly scientific knowledge and encyclopedias.

In order to preserve real knowledge, reliable information and the authority of the Russian scientific world, it is necessary now to define "Wikipedia" as an unreliable source and set of opinions based to one degree or another on speculation and rumors, defended by subjective assessments presented as arguments.

Unfortunately, the "information" from Wikipedia is actively used by journalists, officials and even employees of the presidential administration (which, for example, led to the distortion of my name in award lists and other documents).

The fashion for Wikipedia today threatens not only readers, but also the state. Time dictates the need for ourselves, as quickly as possible, to create our own educational project, using the base of the Russian Encyclopedia,

or we will soon find ourselves in a country called Wikipedia, where they will know more about you than you know about yourself, and where the history of your life and the history of your country can be changed every second, at the whim of interested persons and our dear foreign partners)..."