Video of the day: in Yakutia, instead of asphalt, roads are "repaired" with water

Video of the day: in Yakutia, instead of asphalt, roads are "repaired" with water

14 декабря 2021, 15:51
Famous winter roads (or zimniki - editor's note) function in Siberia even in the cities.

Residents of the coldest region of the country find a way out of the situation “cheap and cheerful”: they make the so-called “patching” of roads, flooding potholes with water. Considering the fact that the winters in the region are long, then for six months, or even longer, such repairs may be enough. True, then you still have to patch. Or not to patch.

#Road #City Infrastructure #Regions #City #Yakutia #Технологии #News #Winter #Russia #Видео #Situation #Video of the day