Posted 20 декабря 2021,, 08:09

Published 20 декабря 2021,, 08:09

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

In Sochi, a landslide damaged the main water pipeline: the "geyser" hits 23 meters (Video)

In Sochi, a landslide damaged the main water pipeline: the "geyser" hits 23 meters (Video)

20 декабря 2021, 08:09
The press service of Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise in Sochi reported about the damage to the main water pipeline. The cause of the accident was a landslide caused by heavy rainfall. A jet of water under pressure bursts out of the ground to a height of more than 23 m.

“The destructive movement of the soil was recorded at the section of the water conduit with a diameter of 600 mm along the street of the Gorno-Shooting Division. The pressurized water burst out to a height of more than 23 meters, causing local flooding of the territory”, - the message says.

According to "RIA Novosti", because of the accident, dozens of streets of the Khosta district were left without water.

“An artificial geyser appeared in the middle of the city due to a landslide, which damaged the main water supply - the jet reaches 23 meters. The spectacle is beautiful, however, the residents of the Khosta district were left without water. They promise to patch the hole by evening”, - the Mash Telegram channel reports.

In the spring, due to a strong landslide and collapse of the road, an emergency regime was introduced in Sochi. The length of the collapse was 15 meters, the depth was up to 3 meters.