Posted 22 декабря 2021,, 15:17

Published 22 декабря 2021,, 15:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Teplyakov does have trousers!" The network discussed the scandal perpetrated by the father of the child prodigy

22 декабря 2021, 15:17
Evgeny Teplyakov's behavior prompted the children's ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova to start checking the living conditions of children in the Teplyakov family

The story with the prodigy Alisa Teplyakova, about whom Novye Izvestia has already written more than once, could not fail to develop further. And first of all, because of the initially inappropriate behavior of Alice's father Eugene, the victim of whose exorbitant ambitions was the girl, who was practically deprived of a normal childhood. Our publication has already paid attention to the very strange and muddy statements of the daddy in numerous interviews. Recall that Alisa graduated from school this summer at the age of 8, and entered the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. Less than six months after the beginning of her studies, a scandal erupted: a video of the riot that Evgeny Teplyakov perpetrated in the faculty building during the winter session appeared on the Web.

He broke through the security point there to "deal with the teachers". During the conflict on the landing with the head of the department, his daughter was standing nearby. At the same time, the guards tried to prevent Alice's father from visiting the teacher, who at that moment he was arguing about something with Teplyakov. As a result, the university staff had to call the police to the scene.

Later, the press service of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University clarified the details of what happened: today Alice took the exam, according to the rules, students cannot do this with accompanying persons. The father of the young student was asked to wait in the warm hall. However, this did not suit him, he began to break through to the faculty, while violating sanitary requirements. MSU employees had to call the police for help.

At the same time, the press service said that the staff of the Faculty of Psychology will do everything for a comfortable stay at the university of nine-year-old student Alisa Teplyakova: “The administration of the Faculty of Psychology will provide the educational process for Alisa Teplyakova and will do everything for a comfortable stay of the student on the territory of the faculty”, - TASS reports. words of the representative of the faculty.

Yevgeny Teplyakov himself told reporters that he wrote a statement to the police about the forcible restraint of the child "for an hour and a half". According to him, the examination procedure was violated. According to the father, the criteria for evaluating the child's response were also not given to them. As a result, Alice, “absolutely prepared” for the exam, was told that she could not pass the exam orally.

The man stressed that the regulations provide for the delivery of this discipline at Moscow State University for 20 minutes. After an hour and a half, the girl did not leave the audience, said the father. According to him, he “stood at the bottom and asked for the child to be returned to him, and then he went after the girl himself, and the university staff called the police squad. He announced that he would contact the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor's Office and Rosobrnadzor.

The mother of a 9-year-old student Natalia explained the reason for the scandal as follows:

“The child had a second exam. The exam is attended by seven people. That is, one child and seven people are watching him. Based on the results of the first exam, the format was as follows: one question in writing, one question orally. Initially, the work plan does not imply such a form of certification, respectively, we asked that the child no longer write the exam in writing, although she passed the first exam: the first part in writing, and the second part orally. We explained that this greatly aggravates her conditions, because, firstly, the writing speed of a child at 9 years old is lower than that of adult students, and, secondly, such a format is not provided at all, since written speech differs from oral speech , the answer will be different and you need to prepare in different ways.

As a result, she was told that she had “fragmentary, but not systemic knowledge,” so the grade was unsatisfactory. But she's worth nothing on the record. The assessment was voiced by the deputy dean, not the teacher. But in the work plan it is worth that even if the knowledge is "fragmentary", then the score should be "3", not "2". But she was prepared for the subject much stronger than for “fragmentary knowledge”. She then told dad how she answered...".

Social networks are actively commenting on this unusual situation. So the blogger with the nickname Gull _25 does not consider her quite predictable:

“Information is expected and predicted. And the news is that Teplyakov has trousers! It is strange why he did not wear them when he went to the program to Gordon, which was on Channel One. And I was also surprised by the standard of time for the test. Where does this figure come from? From the rationing of teachers' work? In the sense that he has no right to talk with a student during the exam and test for more than 20 minutes? No, these 20 minutes are only used to calculate the teacher load time. After all, a student can enter the classroom, take a ticket and prepare for a long time. At my exams, the students sat for 2-3 hours, all the time they said that a little more... By the way, the worse the student knows the subject, the longer it takes to talk with him. Until you figure it out: whether he misunderstood something, or just a lazy person.

The female guards were twisting Teplyakov. Finally, there were women who stopped this arrogant arrogant. The women, on the other hand, created a petition to the defender of children's rights, and she initiated an inspection of the guardianship authorities of this family and the living conditions of the children. And the girl with the fabulous name Alice has the opportunity to return to childhood, because it should be the most wonderful time in the life of every person".

Journalist Anastasiya Mironova asks:

“We can only assume how many noses, arms and legs were broken in school, which Alisa Teplyakova graduated from at the age of 8. Moreover, it is clear that the manager is an elderly person. Actually, of course, yeahhhh... She was only nine years old. My daughter is 6.5. I can imagine my husband slapping in the face of a teacher who did not praise her enough, and my daughter stands and looks. Or rather, I certainly cannot imagine. I try, but I can't. But they said it was not normal! And I had to stop right away!"

A blogger with the nickname "Profursetka" rightly complains:

“I’m sorry for a child. To feed her with porridges, and to play with dolls! A girl by age should go to grade 2, and not to college! And then people began to whisper: look, the girl is emaciated, she has bruises under her eyes, and there is also an abrasion on her face. It got to the point that activists want to turn to the children's ombudsman. I don't know what Mrs. Maria Lvova-Belova will decide, but this story should have some kind of logical ending and stop getting into the news. It is not normal!"