Posted 24 декабря 2021, 11:46

Published 24 декабря 2021, 11:46

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Nothing's sacred! Designer Lebedev mocks the Investigative Committee and the relics of saints with might and main

24 декабря 2021, 11:46
In response to the notification of investigators about checking Lebedev's statements about the relics of Orthodox saints, the designer openly sent everyone to hell.

As Novye Izvestia has already reported, the Investigative Committee of Russia has started checking the publications of designer Artemy Lebedev, in which he criticized people who worship the relics of saints. The posts written by him are checked for violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion (part 1 of article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

“According to the available data, a statement about the holy relics was published on Lebedev’s page in obscene language”, - the media reported.

The designer was outraged (and quite rightly, since this absolutely pagan ritual cannot be called Christianity, - editor's note). By the fact that "queues line up to kiss some box with Sergius of Radonezh's dandruff". He also expressed bewilderment that “corpses are on display in the mausoleums,” and many people visit such places.

And here is how Lebedev commented on this challenge. The publication "Sobesednik" reports that the designer asked the Investigative Committee:

“Dear Investigative Committee! Tell me, please, what are the holy relics? In what law are they described? How is holiness determined?"

“When Saint Vladimir threw pagan idols into the Dnieper — did he commit sacrilege from your point of view? Or your (investigator's - editor's note) supervisor - didn't he pass the exam in scientific atheism to become a member of the CPSU? " - asks Lebedev.

This comic situation is commented on by the Meister telegram channel:

“Lebedev has repeatedly attracted the attention of the press because of his verbal incontinence, but never before has he entered into such an open conflict with law enforcement agencies. And if at first he could expect that history would be released on the brakes, then after such a defiant response from the RF IC, the likelihood of such an outcome looks speculative. Now punishment cannot be avoided, but it is unlikely that it will be a crime - Lebedev is still the father of 10 children, and for the ROC itself his landing would become an extremely serious reputational loss..."
