Historian Yuri Dmitriyev sentenced to 15 years of strict regime

Historian Yuri Dmitriyev sentenced to 15 years of strict regime

27 декабря 2021, 14:31
The court in Petrozavodsk appointed 15 years of strict regime to the historian Yuri Dmitriyev in the case of making pornography, lecherous actions and possession of weapons.

This was reported by RIA Novosti, referring to the convict's lawyer.

Yuri Dmitriyev himself and his lawyer in cassation appeals challenged Dmitriev's guilt for all the crimes imputed to him and asked the court to be fully acquitted. The historian does not admit his guilt. At the same time, earlier the Petrozavodsk City Court twice refused to accept the cassation appeal against the verdict of the Supreme Court of Karelia under the article on violent acts of a sexual nature against a minor adopted daughter.

In February, the St. Petersburg Court of Cassation rejected an appeal against the sentence to Dmitriyev, who had previously been sentenced to 13 years.

Let us also recall that Dmitriyev is known as the compiler of a book in memory of victims of political repression and the discoverer of mass graves in Sandarmokh and Krasny Bor. The criminal prosecution of the human rights defender began in 2016.

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