Posted 27 декабря 2021,, 12:12

Published 27 декабря 2021,, 12:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Worrying about Mireille Mathieu!" The network discussed the conversation between Bastrykin and the French singer

27 декабря 2021, 12:12
Bloggers sneer at the head of the Investigative Committee, who discusses the problems of "spirituality" over the phone through an interpreter.

As Novye Izvestia has already reported, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, had a telephone conversation with the French singer Mireille Mathieu. In a conversation with the singer, the official "discussed the importance of the spiritual component in the life of every person and in the work of musical performers, which the younger generation sometimes lacks", - the press service of the Investigative Committee said. He congratulated the singer and all Catholics on Christmas. For her part, Mathieu congratulated the employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia on the upcoming New Year.

Bastrykin's activity on the "cultural front" has long surprised no one, but the idea of some kind of "spirituality" that the country's authorities impose on society cannot but cause nothing but laughter. Through tears. And the message itself makes a wild impression. In addition, as bloggers rightly point out, Bastrykin talked about spirituality with distant France, probably at public expense. Here are social networks and frolic about it:

"20 November. The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin talked with the actress Svetlichnaya about morality.

November 23rd. Svetlichnaya was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic.

December 25. Head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin talked with Mireille Mathieu about spirituality.

Something is alarming for Mireille Mathieu..."

“I can easily imagine a dull, muddy drunkenness in the Investigative Committee, with which Bastrykin wanted to call a French singer. It is much more difficult to imagine how and why it was necessary to make a release out of this..."

“This is how I imagine this call:

- Hello, Mireille? Bastrykin worries! Merry Christmas to you!

- Oui, Alexander! Bon annee! And tell your employees.

- By the way, Mireille, how is it with your spirituality?

- Mercy, Sasha. Bien. And with spiritual bonds as well.

- Well, good! All the best, Mireille!

- Aurevoir, Monsieur Bastrykin!"

“Some kind of tin, in general. Soon, you see, a new citizen of Russia will settle in Syzran".

"The head of the FBI called Philip Kirkorov and discussed with him questions of spirituality..."

"All the crimes Bastrykin solved, it's time to talk about the soul..."

“Indeed, it’s not to search for people kidnapped in Chechnya!”

By the way, in June 2018, the French singer and the chairman of the Investigative Committee met in person. Then Alexander Bastrykin called the French singer "Ambassador of Peace", and also noted her efforts in developing culture and helping children left without parents.

In the new year, we will surely learn about Bastrykin's new cultural initiatives, because, as the State Duma website reports, “Alexander Ivanovich will be authorized to organize not only investigative, but also cultural and educational events. In addition, the Doctor of Laws and the General of Justice will begin to deal with the cooperation of his department with schools and museums, as well as motivate colleagues to go in for sports..."

Verily, the man of the Renaissance!