Posted 29 декабря 2021,, 11:43

Published 29 декабря 2021,, 11:43

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Looking for money on the State Procurement website to find out "Is the existence of hell evil?"

Looking for money on the State Procurement website to find out "Is the existence of hell evil?"

29 декабря 2021, 11:43
The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has placed an order on the public procurement website, which is the testimony of the Russian society's state.

Interesting information was found by bloggers on the website "State Procurement" ( It seems impossible to believe that philosophers in the 21st century may still be interested in these kinds of questions. However, judging by how Russia is rapidly sliding into the Middle Ages, budget money has to be spent on this kind of research:

"Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Lot # 1

Performing scientific work on the topic: "Is the existence of hell evil"

Purchase method:

Purchase from a single supplier (contractor, contractor)

Subject of the contract:

Performing scientific work on the topic: "Is the existence of hell evil"

The starting price of the contract is 742,000 rubles".

Historian Sergey Schmidt commented on this incident as follows:

"I think that scientific work on the topic, can the almighty God create a stone that he cannot lift himself, will pull at least a million..."

And someone joked: "Let the temperature of hell be appreciated too..."