Posted 30 декабря 2021, 11:02

Published 30 декабря 2021, 11:02

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Professor Alexey Savvateyev: "Digitalization of schools is promoted by the talkative charlatans"

30 декабря 2021, 11:02
The roots of the widespread bacchanalia and delirium that the world and, in particular, Russia, faced two years ago, lie in education, says MIPT professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and well-known popularizer of mathematics Alexey Savvateyev.

On the Day-TV YouTube channel, he gave an extremely harsh assessment of the actions of Russian educational reformers, and also outlined where the true place of foresight in the country's development is.

“They (educational reformers - editor's note) can splurge on people who have not received an education, but for an educated person, all this is just nonsense.

In fact, the same Luksha (Pavel Luksha is a professor of practice at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, an expert at the Skolkovo Education Transformation Center - editor's note) has already done something so that, I apologize, it didn’t seem enough.

When he announced in 2013-2014 that by 2020 they would be transferring skills and something else - they love skills, they don't like knowledge - right into the womb.

They tried to clean it up, but there are traces on the internet.

For me, a simple person who knows mathematics, once knew physics, now it's not so good, at school I studied well in a number of subjects, at school, not the very last - 57th, in the city of Moscow, and so, for me , a person who "from knowledge" is just charlatans. Just talkative charlatans.

Only one thing is not clear: why is it customary to somehow take their words seriously?

Well, this is such a disease of our time, when Danya Milokhin enters, led by Gref, to a very serious event, like an economic forum, where there is no place for some kind of carnival style. And he comes and turns it all into a carnival. Well, maybe it was a hint that there would be no more serious conversations at all, there would only be a carnival from now on.

Maybe the presidential administration wanted to show them as idiots, but then it was wrong, because there was no one to show them. There are fewer people who can understand that this is something wrong. Why less? And because the school is just - they are engaged in it.

Why are they creating all this? (We are talking about development strategies and various foresights - note by "NI") Not a single forecast, which they give, has any relation to reality.

I have an assistant, Pasha, who compiles a special catalog of these development strategies, “ten steps by Kuzminov” (Yaroslav Kuzminov is the founder and first rector of the Higher School of Economics, - editor's note , foresights, the 2030 program ...

This is madness, which, unfortunately, was signed by Mishustin - the development strategy until 2030 ...

Everything would be fine if these "documents", in quotation marks, in which on each page bloopers, are repeated twice, sometimes it's just an absurdity that can't even be read in Russian, that is, it feels like a machine translation some program documents created, roughly speaking, in some special office in America. We just ordered it for money: give us a strategic development program for Russia! Well, here you go - translate it by machine translation.

The original nonsense is taken, translated into Russian using machine translation, 100 million rubles are taken for this, to create a brilliant foresight, a conference is held for another billion rubles, then a trillion is cut to make a screen in each school...

This is a devilish car, and I do not understand where the button is to stop this nonsense that just happens every day before our eyes.

Mishustin signed the document, which should be in the toilet, in a soft form, in such a way that it was immediately cut into squares.

He signs it as a strategy until 2030.

Our president stands up and declares that digitalization is our priority, a global goal.

Digitization is a place where people steal. Dot. Everything.

It has no other explanation, no excuse, no justification. This is the place where money is stolen.

They steal. And the school is falling apart, naturally, as a result".

The entire interview with Alexei Savvateev can be viewed here.
