Posted 30 декабря 2021,, 07:10

Published 30 декабря 2021,, 07:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Stateless persons will be issued cards with a chip

Stateless persons will be issued cards with a chip

30 декабря 2021, 07:10
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed an order on the issuance of temporary certificates to stateless persons. We are talking about cards with a chip and fingerprints. The validity of such a certificate is ten years.

On the card there will be an image of the owner's face, as well as two papillary patterns of both hands - all this on an electronic data carrier, TASS specifies.

In addition, there will be other data in the certificate.

The department noted that they are going to issue a residence permit in the form of a card in biometrics.

Over the past three months, four hundred people have already received such cards.

Earlier it became known that migrants in Russia will be issued labor patents in the form of a card with a chip that will contain an electronic image of the face and the owner's fingerprints.