Posted 31 декабря 2021, 10:38

Published 31 декабря 2021, 10:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the conditions for the recognition of the Taliban government *

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the conditions for the recognition of the Taliban government *

31 декабря 2021, 10:38
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the decision to recognize the Afghan government formed by the Taliban * would be taken in solidarity with the international community.

Sergey Lavrov said this in an interview with TASS. According to the minister, the decision on recognition will also depend on the fulfillment of a number of promises made by the Taliban, in particular, they promised to combat terrorist threats emanating from the territory of Afghanistan, as well as to counter drug trafficking.

We will remind, the Taliban movement seized full control over Afghanistan in August 2021. In early September, the United States finally withdrew its troops from the country. After that, a humanitarian catastrophe began in the country: tens of thousands of refugees left Afghanistan, and famine began.

* - the Taliban terrorist organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation.
