Producers predicted a rise in the price of strong alcohol

Producers predicted a rise in the price of strong alcohol

3 января 2022, 14:21
Producers of alcoholic beverages expect an increase in prices for spirits, in particular, vodka, cognac, brandy and whiskey. This may happen due to the rise in inflation, the rise in prices for fuel and components, as well as because of the poor harvest last year.

As Izvestia was told at the Kizyarovsky Brandy Factory JSC, prices for finished products will rise by 15-20%. Also, Bashspirt, Ladoga and Tatspirtprom reported about the upcoming price hike.

Note that wines will also become more expensive - by 4% - up to 455 rubles per bottle.

The Association of Beer Producers expects only a slight rise in the price of products.

Earlier it was reported that from January 2022 the Ministry of Finance is going to raise the minimum retail prices for strong alcohol.

Note that experts recorded a 4% decline in vodka sales in Russia in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year. This is due to the growth in sales of alcoholic beverages during the period of self-isolation in April-May 2020, when Russians began to massively celebrate long weekends.

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