Posted 4 января 2022,, 10:45

Published 4 января 2022,, 10:45

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

A resident of Bryansk was put on record by the police for participating in rallies

A resident of Bryansk was put on record by the police for participating in rallies

4 января 2022, 10:45
The Bryansk police put a local resident Artyom Saigalov on a preventive record for participating in rallies in 2019 and 2020. The police will regularly check his place of residence, as well as conduct preventive conversations with him about the fact that it is not worth going out to protest actions.

Artyom Saigalov himself told about this to "7x7". He learned about registration from a conversation with a district police officer.

Artyom Saigalov believes that he will not face any serious consequences from being registered with the police, since he did not violate the law and does not plan to violate it in the future. However, the fact that he is registered once again confirms the adopted course of intimidating citizens.

A resident of Bryansk took part in a 2019 rally in support of pro-free elections in the capital. Then the court fined him 20 thousand rubles. Searches took place in his apartment. They confiscated equipment from him, which has not been returned until now.

The activist was suspected of money laundering for FBK * (included in the register of NGOs performing the function of a foreign agent). However, then the police did not find a connection between the activist and this organization.

In 2020, the activist took part in another rally in support of the Belarusian opposition. Artyom Saigalov was not fined or arrested then.

On the eve of the rallies in January 2021, the activist was detained at the exit from the house. In the evening he was released. No protocols were drawn up against him then.

* recognized as an extremist organization, included by the Ministry of Justice in the list of NGOs performing the function of a foreign agent.