Posted 6 января 2022,, 10:49

Published 6 января 2022,, 10:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

New rules prevented every fifth driver from passing the license exam

6 января 2022, 10:49
The number of driver candidates who managed to pass the license exam on the first try decreased in Russia by 20% after the introduction of new, complicated rules for taking a practical exam.

According to TASS, citing data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in 2021, only 11% of candidates for drivers passed the license exam the first time.

The new rules for passing the exam for the right to drive a car in Russia came into force on April 1, 2021. The fundamental difference was that the "platform" was removed from the practical exam: from now on, the traffic police stopped checking the quality of the "snake" ride, a U-turn in a narrow space, parallel parking and overpass driving in a closed area. Instead, they began to assess all of these skills exclusively in real traffic conditions.

The complication of the rules for taking the exam has dramatically reduced the number of successful examinations.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs indicated that from April 1 to November 30, 2021, the department conducted over 2.6 million exams. Only a third of the candidates managed to withstand them - 36%, of whom only 13.6% passed the test the first time.

A year earlier, more than 3 million exams were held, 57% of candidates were able to pass them, while every third (33%) received the coveted driver's license the first time.

The traffic police said that the worst thing for newcomers is parking in reverse to a box or garage, as well as parallel parking in reverse. Many people forget to turn on the signal to use the control system and do not give the advantage required by the rules to other road users.

The traffic police added that due to inexperienced drivers in 2021 there were over 3 thousand road accidents, in which 329 people died and over 4 thousand were injured. Drivers who have been driving for less than two years have provoked more than 7 thousand accidents, where 674 people died and over 10 thousand were injured.