Posted 10 января 2022,, 09:08

Published 10 января 2022,, 09:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Andrey Karaulov "found" Nursultan Nazarbayev in Hainan, China

Andrey Karaulov "found" Nursultan Nazarbayev in Hainan, China

10 января 2022, 09:08
"No sooner said than done: we found Nazarbayev" - this is the name of the video blog of the famous publicist Andrey Karaulov on YouTube.

In this video Andrey Viktorovich claims that Nursultan Agishevich, the First President of Kazakhstan and the "father of the nation", is by no means about the capital of his country, Nur-Sultan, but on a Chinese resort island.

It is known that Karaulov has many sources of information among the ruling elites and experts from the entire former USSR. In this case, he refers to an expert on Central Asian countries, Arkady Dubnov, who, in turn, refers to people from the very top of the Kazakh government, so you can trust these assumptions (although not 100 percent in this case). The clumsy attempts of Nazarbayev's press secretary to present the case in such a way that his boss not only still lives and works in Nur-Sultan (Astana), but also voluntarily wrote a letter of resignation from the post of chairman of the Security Council, also speaks in favor of the Karaulov version of Hainan. (post) was immediately taken by President Tokayev.

As Novye Izvestia noted, there is nothing easier than showing Nursultan Nazarbayev on video in his recognizable office or private quarters, as well as demonstrating a signed letter of resignation. But in both cases, the Kazakh authorities did not do this. Therefore, the version about Hainan, where the Elbasy flew away immediately after his visit to St. Petersburg before the New Year, is quite reliable. Indeed, in St. Petersburg, Nursultan Agishevich, who was weakened from cancer, was literally taken by the arms, and in China the best doctors of the Celestial Empire were already waiting for him.

Again, the absence of Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan would have been quite appropriate against the background of the "popular" riot organized by his relatives and protégés - in case of failure, one can always say that Elbasy was not in the know and generally outside his homeland.

However, the "father of the nation", who was deafly silent in sorrowful and tragic days, seems to have lost this status forever. What kind of “father” is he who didn’t say a word to calm millions of his “children” and somehow reduce the number of victims and arrests ?! Of course, Nazarbayev is no longer able to play tennis. But it is unlikely that he became numb for 9 days of the New Year.