Posted 10 января 2022,, 13:42

Published 10 января 2022,, 13:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Putin called the events in Kazakhstan an act of aggression with the use of "Maidan technologies"

Putin called the events in Kazakhstan an act of aggression with the use of "Maidan technologies"

10 января 2022, 13:42
Today, during an extraordinary session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kazakhstan faced an unprecedented challenge to its security, which threatened the country's integrity and sovereignty.

“The events in Kazakhstan are an attack on the country, an act of aggression,” the Russian leader said.

During the broadcast, he said that the emerging threat to Kazakhstan's statehood was caused not by spontaneous protests due to fuel prices, but by the fact that destructive internal and external forces took advantage of the situation. Putin noted that those protesting against the situation on the gas market are one people, and those who took up arms pursued different goals are different people.

At the meeting, the Russian president said that Kazakhstan “actively used elements of power information support for protests inherent in Maidan technologies,” as well as well-organized and controlled groups of militants.

He emphasized the time-limited period of stay of the peacekeeping contingent on the territory of Kazakhstan.

“The peacekeeping contingent took immediate protection of key infrastructure facilities and ensures control over them by the Kazakh authorities, namely the Kazakh authorities. And the Kazakhstani law enforcement and security structures are directly involved in the fight against terrorism, combat work, and the protection of the civilian population, ”said Vladimir Putin .

The Russian leader noted the gradual normalization of the situation in Kazakhstan. He expressed confidence in the soonest restoration of control over the situation throughout the country and stabilization of the situation. He called the events in Kazakhstan "not the first and far from the last attempt at outside interference."

“And the measures taken by the CSTO have clearly shown that we will not allow the situation to be rocked at home and will not allow the scenario of the so-called color revolutions to be realized,” the Russian leader said.

A few days earlier , Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan promised Putin to organize an online CSTO summit on the situation in Kazakhstan, initiated by Kazakh President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. The meeting began with a minute of silence as a sign of mourning for those killed during the riots in the country.