Kazakh diaspora in Russia did not approve of bringing the peacekeepers into the republic

Kazakh diaspora in Russia did not approve of bringing the peacekeepers into the republic

11 января 2022, 12:29
The head of the Kazakh Diaspora Foundation in Moscow, Polat Jamalov, said that sending Russian peacekeepers to Kazakhstan to quell the riots is an "occupation." This statement has already excited social networks and politicians.

Irina Mishina

What exactly did Polat Dzhamalov mean when assessing the events in his homeland from Moscow?

Judging by the posts that I read in our groups, the decision to send soldiers there is especially indignant. Whatever formulas envelop this venture, the essence is the same: it is an occupation... Those who made the decision absolutely do not understand what the Kazakh mentality is. They have their own ideas about what the Kazakh people are. The history of Kazakhs is very complex, ambiguous, it has developed a certain mentality. The Kazakhs have never tolerated occupation”, - Jamalov said.

The answer was not long in coming. The State Duma deputy from United Russia Biysultan Khamzayev asked the General Prosecutor's Office to check the statement of the head of the "Kazakh Diaspora" about the peacekeeping operation of the CSTO countries for misleading.

"I believe that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation needs to check Jamalov's statement, as well as the funding of the Kazakh Diaspora Foundation. His statement can be regarded as a subversive way of misleading people", - Khamzayev said on Facebook. According to the parliamentarian, "such traitors to Russia and they destroyed the USSR in due time”.

Social networks were instantly full of harsh statements.

- @Spamdealer: "This will result in quarrels with neighbors, incitement of children and adolescents (catch conflicts in schools), fights, possibly group and with stabbing, in especially neglected cases, terrorist attacks or shootings in schools... the list is endless".

- @IvanIvanovich: "Where are the wise Kazakh politicians and experienced administrators?"

The Kazakhs, paradoxically as it may sound, are an indigenous people in the Russian Federation, the tenth largest among all ethnic groups in our country. Most of the Russian Kazakhs live along the Russian-Kazakh border, in the Astrakhan, Orenburg, Omsk and Saratov regions.

“In total, 800-900 thousand Kazakhstanis are permanently registered in Russia, 75-80 thousand Kazakh students study in Russian universities, about 500 thousand come to work annually. Kazakhs come to Russia annually up to one and a half million people. Kazakhs in Russia work on construction sites, in cargo transportation, in taxis, in Russia there are even their real estate and legal organizations. In addition, Kazakhs are employed in the field of tourism services, in various spheres of business. In the field of crime, Kazakhs are notable for the commission of complex fraudulent transactions and economic crimes , "retired Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Board of the National Committee for Public Control Mansur Yusupov, explained to NI

Considering the large number of the Kazakh diaspora in Russia, the statement of Polat Dzhamalov is undoubtedly explosive.

We immediately tried to immediately contact the head of the Moscow fund "Kazakh Diaspora" Polat Jamalov to clarify his position and the mood of the Kazakhs living in Russia, but his phones did not answer. Then we sent an editorial request in which we asked to clarify our position. However, the answer we received was more than laconic: “Thank you for the information, I will certainly contact you. Respectfully yours, Polat Jamalov".

But no connection followed.

While respecting the sovereignty of Kazakhstan, we still have reason to fear for the mood of the Kazakhs in Russia. Fueled by news from their rebellious homeland, being in a difficult and often low-paid job in Russia, they may react to the statements of their activists in an ambiguous way. It is no coincidence that some experts draw a parallel between Kazakhstan and Ukraine. In particular, journalist Daria Aslamova writes:

“The parallel with Kiev is quite obvious to me. Three months ago I said that Kazakhstan followed the same path that Ukraine once followed. All these language patrols, all this aggression that concerns the Russians, the upbringing of nationalists, the transition to the Latin alphabet ... Everything was very beautifully painted, but we perfectly saw where everything was going. In the East, everything seems to be getting softer at first".

However, it is worth keeping in mind one fact: Kazakhs leave their homeland for Russia in search of a better life. It is in Russia that for many of them there is something that is not in Kazakhstan. It is symbolic that in 1992 only the Kazakhs of Altai responded to Nursultan Nazarbayev's appeal to his compatriots to return to their homeland. They left houses that, due to inflation, could only sell for the price of a box of cigarettes. Arriving, they tried to settle down somewhere on the territory of Kazakhstan, but the majority returned back to Russia. The main Kazakh population of Russia did not respond to this call. Rather, on the contrary, starting from the 90s, Kazakhs began to actively move to Russia. The new Kazakh statehood turned out to be less attractive, because the economic situation is more favorable in Russia.

So why all this rhetoric about the "occupation" of Kazakhstan by the Russians?

“There is a saying:“ Do not be afraid of the dog that barks, be afraid of the one that is silent”. This is quite applicable to the behavior of the head of the “Kazakh diaspora”. I would not demonize this speaker”, - said Police Lieutenant General Alexander Mikhailov. - I think the special services have already taken control of this statement. Well, if "Russian soldiers" so outraged the Kazakh diaspora, why shouldn't its representatives leave for Kazakhstan to protect it? Do you want to save your homeland? So go there, why are you still in Moscow?"

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