Posted 13 января 2022,, 12:10

Published 13 января 2022,, 12:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Biological laboratories in Kazakhstan: the Americans left, the militants came. What's next?

13 января 2022, 12:10
The YouTube channel "Chistaya Pravda" has released a video that tells about the situation with the American military biological laboratories in Kazakhstan and about Russia's attitude to the situation that has developed in this regard.

The CSTO has just shut down the US biological laboratories. Biden is in a panic.

The Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan has denied information that unknown persons seized a military biological laboratory near Almaty.

“This is not true, the object is under protection”, - the ministry said in a commentary.

Who exactly is guarding the dangerous place is unclear.

Earlier, the media reported on the attack of rioters on the American-Kazakhstani biological laboratory, where they opened the windows on the first floor.

Because of this, specialists in chemical protection suits allegedly worked near the object, which implies the leakage of dangerous pathogens.

Former sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko warned about the risk of infection in connection with the riots in Almaty.

Now the city of two million, in fact, remains unmanageable.

"The laboratory can" detonate "with very serious consequences," he said. We are talking about a central reference laboratory on the basis of the National Scientific Center for Highly Dangerous Infections.

Another full-fledged biological laboratory operates in Gvardeysk, Dzhambul region.

In total, according to open data, six such facilities were created in the republic.

These facilities are operated by the Threat Reduction Agency's TPA Division, which is responsible for weapons of mass destruction at the US Embassy in Nursultan.

The total budget for scientific programs of the American army in Kazakhstan exceeds $ 400 million.

Among other things, TPA allocated grants for the study in Kazakhstan of brucellosis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and even alpha-coronavirus, which has never been registered in the republic before.

Looks like exploring the future of a theater of war.

Back in May 2020, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry denied the presence of American military researchers.

Then President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev admitted that the Americans had still been to the Almaty laboratory, but had left it.

However, later the Americans promised to continue cooperation with Kazakhstan.

The temporary rollback of the Kazakh authorities could be associated with pressure from Russia.

Moscow realized that the United States had surrounded our country with biological laboratories around the entire perimeter; Kazakhstan is a special case, and announced the creation of a Coordination Council on biological safety issues under the CSTO.

The Council will analyze the situation related to ensuring biological safety in the CSTO member states, organize the exchange of experience, prepare recommendations for the formation and development of coordinated activities in this area, the RF Security Council informed.

However, despite this, by the end of 2025 in the Dzhambul region of Kazakhstan it is planned to build a new special facility with an underground storage facility for especially dangerous strains that cause serious and fatal diseases and for which there are no vaccines and treatments available.

Isn't it time for Russia to intervene more actively in the situation?

Moreover, the troops of the structure that made the decision on the new policy in the field of biosafety are already on the land of Kazakhstan.

Since local authorities cannot make the only right decision, the collective will of the CSTO can help them.

International expert Nikita Mendkovich (the head of the Eurasian Analytical Club - noted by "NI") is sure that the CSTO is the very force that can stop the common threat.

Due to the fact that one of the American biological laboratories is located in Almaty, where the most intense fighting took place, and information was published that a group of militants penetrated this facility and a leak of dangerous strains could have occurred.

The main question now is the reliable protection of the facility so that it does not turn into a terrorist threat for the entire region.

Therefore, regardless of who created this biolaboratory, it is a potential breeding ground for dangerous diseases. Perhaps, to stop the threat, it is worth using the forces of the CSTO. CSTO troops are stationed only in Kazakhstan, while biological laboratories are located along all Russian borders.

Obviously, the problem requires a systemic complex solution".

The entire video can be viewed here.