Posted 19 января 2022,, 07:17

Published 19 января 2022,, 07:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Yevgeny Ponasenkov: “Insolent bureaucrats lie to people about the Chinese virus!”

19 января 2022, 07:17
A popular historian appealed to his readers to expose the lies of officials and virologists.

The well-known Russian historian and popular blogger Yevgeny Ponasenkov urged his readers to become more actively involved in the fight against the state's imposition of universal vaccination. Here is how he explained his position:

“Regarding the handing over of all vaccines around the world, I will tell you as a historian: if the product is not promoted by itself, but by the violence of the state, this is a scoop, socialist nonsense. Only a free market can produce good, healthy results. The scoop already had the principle "if they don't take it, we'll turn off the gas." Now the virus of leftism has also infected civilized countries. Any normal person will grab a good product "with his hands" - and will do everything to make money on it and get it! And such a product is needed! So do it, and do not engage in leftist fascism. Real medicines are vital!”

Ponasenkov considers counter-propaganda in social networks to be one of the effective weapons of this struggle, and therefore he turned to his supporters with the following proposal:

“It would be necessary to make short videos of how mediocre and impudent bureaucrats lie to people about the Chinese virus. How at first they didn’t see the danger point-blank, then they realized it too late, how China is being covered, etc. How unsuitable virologists and doctors lied about natural origin, how they assured that 1) a vaccine is impossible, 2) it might be, but in five years; 3) have already been done - and it works forever, then it works for 2 years, half a year, 3 months, as it does not work on a new strain, but NECESSARY. As it is impossible for pregnant women and children - then, as under the threat of prison, everyone is obliged. And something like that for their similar deceptions and incompetence. Directly briefly with a signature under the bastard-swindler and the date (caption). You can not only where they lie on the video, but alternate in the video with screenshots of news headlines and interviews of morons. Send it to the "Common Sense Channel."