Share the profits with everyone: socialism was built in reality in the Chinese "village of millionaires"

21 января 2022, 17:12
The Chinese village of Huaxi, located a few hours from Shanghai, is called the No. 1 Village in the Middle Kingdom and the best example of socialism. The Techno YouTube channel told about how this unique “village” appeared.

“In one of the provinces of China, there is a village called Huaxi.

Every resident there is a millionaire.

For example, the poor in Huaxi are those whose wealth is estimated at less than $400,000.

Today, 60 thousand people live in the village.

They all live in luxurious houses, drive luxury cars and keep a decent amount of money in their bank accounts.

If someone decides to move out of the village, he loses all his property. True, no one from Huaxi is in a hurry to flee, because every resident there has the right to free medicine, education and housing. Here they give old-age insurance and even food subsidies.

And at the end of the year, the administration divides 20% of the total income of the village equally among absolutely all residents, including minor children.

Locals call their village N umber One (first, number one - editor's note) in China.

There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

Huaxi Village is a complex of luxurious cottages, one more luxurious than the other. Even a skyscraper has been built here. This is about a huge building, going up to 328 meters.

Residents have not cultivated agricultural land for a long time: why, if you can do a more profitable business?

So the inhabitants of Huaxi have mastered completely different industries that are not related to agriculture.

True, not everything is so rosy in the village of millionaires, as it may seem to someone at first glance.

The history of the prosperity of this place is worth telling about it in more detail.

Not so long ago, in the 1970s, it was an ordinary village, of which, as they say, there are a dime a dozen in China.

Local peasants could not boast of special prosperity. They literally bent their backs from dawn to dusk, developing their farmland and selling what they could grow for mere pennies.

But no matter what anyone says, the role of the individual in history has always mattered.

And this is exactly what happened here. An ordinary peasant Zhenbao became the person who completely reformatted the entire village life.

Once, it was still at the end of the 1960s, this man was appointed secretary of the party committee of the village.

Even by today's standards, a person endowed with party power is still a big figure, not an ordinary hard worker, producing something from morning till night, but a person with broad powers, and even more so in those days.

However, 50 years ago, no one even talked about socialist capitalism in China, all the citizens of the Celestial Empire unanimously built a bright future with an eye to the emergence of a communist society in the distant future.

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that Zhenbao really received real power in a single settlement.

But his thoughts were noticeably ahead of the time and the aspirations of the then party functionaries. Most importantly, this man had an idea that he began to consistently implement.

At the end of 1969, he made a decision, very dangerous from a political point of view, but very profitable economically, he approved the construction of a textile factory near Huaxi. All the documents, oddly enough, managed to be coordinated in higher authorities, and away we go. Although for Renbao this initiative could end very sadly, almost a death sentence.

As he later admitted, it was hard for him to watch how his fellow villagers torture themselves with exhausting labor, and therefore he issued an appeal not to separate the party's policy from the real needs of citizens, in this case, the inhabitants of Huaxi.

And he succeeded in much of what he set out to do. Surprisingly, Zhenbao's daring act got away with it, which in the end predetermined the further prosperity of the Chinese village.

Moreover, other party functionaries in China began to listen to his statement that a peasant, even with a rich harvest, still remains a poor man.

The banal, in general, idea that prosperity can be ensured only with money appealed to many, including, of course, the villagers, who all at once desired to get rich.

However, almost a decade passed before China began to abandon socialist communes in favor of private farming.

And then the finest hour came for the inhabitants of the village of Huaxi.

Raised by the ideas of their fearless party leader, they decided to go further and not stop there. Even at the dawn of Chinese perestroika, rural textile production brought a fairly decent income.

Over the past decades, eight large flourishing enterprises have formed around the village. To the envy of its neighbors, Huaxi began to develop by leaps and bounds. Soon the commune bought another twelve neighboring settlements.

The current annual investment in this village is an impressive amount - about four billion dollars.

The villagers broke down all their antediluvian houses and moved together to luxurious cottages.

Walking here is now practically not accepted, everyone has expensive cars, and solid sums have been accumulated in banks.

Sometimes the inhabitants of Huaxi joke that, they say, they were able to achieve what the previous Chinese authorities could not, namely, to build a developed socialism.

In addition to an impressive free social package, including full medical care, they are also the happy owners of solid stakes in various enterprises.

All villagers are shareholders of the Huaxi Cooperative, whose securities are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Moreover, any resident also has additional income, but each of them receives a percentage of the total income of the cooperative.

Once a year, a general meeting is held at which all issues are resolved, dividends are distributed, subsidies for the purchase of food, additional benefits are issued, as well as 150 kg of rice per family.

Old people who have reached the age of a hundred - there are some here - are given a cash allowance. However, all family members also receive it - for helping the centenarian live to a ripe old age.

General prosperity is what the visitor to Huaxi sees. But noisy luxury does not prevent the villagers from revering their benefactor Zhenbao, whose portraits are hung everywhere”.

You can watch the full video about Huaxi village here.

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