The Russian bureaucracy sometimes strikes not only with its impenetrable stupidity, but also with its complete impossibility to follow its requirements. Another manifestation of this phenomenon was faced by journalist Liana Minasyan, who needed to get a QR code confirming that she was vaccinated to fly an airplane:
“I started up - I went to read the covid conditions for entry and exit. Because I decided to be an honest person for once and do everything according to what was written.
Now I am chronicling the absurd.
Step 1. Downloaded the application "I travel without covid". I scan the barcode of the vaccination certificate. Fuck, the app replies, "this QR-code doesn't contain correct vaccination information." Scan the QR-code from the certificate received through the Gosuslugi (State Services website).
Step 2. I go to the Portal of the Gosuslugi (State Services website) of the Russian Federation. There is information about vaccination, there is no QR-code. This happens, they write, in 20% of those vaccinated. Contact the clinic.
Step 3. I go to the clinic. Is there a certificate for There is! - they answer, what questions to us, we have transferred all the data. Contact Public Services.
Step 4. I go to "My Documents", I stand in a queue for an hour to see a girl who sends citizens' complaints somewhere to the bowels of the Gosuslugi (State Services website). We filed a complaint, attached certificates, we are waiting.
Step 5. I receive a response from the State Services: your complaint is being considered, here is a temporary barcode for you. Of course it doesn't open.
Step 6. I receive a response from the State Services: use your certificate on
Step 7. I write back: the application "I'm traveling without covid" accepts only a certificate from the State Services.
Step 8. Robot response: use your code
Step 9. I write to the support of "I travel without covid", they say that your application does not load the certificate.
Step 10. Answer from support: our application only downloads a certificate from the State Services
Step 11. I am writing a repeated request for public services. Answer: use your certificate on Yes, and do not write to our support, we just upload the Ministry of Health data into the system.
Step 12. I write the third request for public services. Answer: The QR-code will be reflected only after the second stage of vaccination.
Step 13. I am writing the fourth request for State Services, about revaccination and that all data is available everywhere, except for State Services. Answer: it means that the QR-code will be reflected only after the second stage of revaccination.
Further - a complete silence..."
It would be interesting to read a comment on this subject by some responsible person, however, there is a real danger that this comment will further confuse the situation.