Posted 26 января 2022,, 13:54

Published 26 января 2022,, 13:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The Russian Foreign Ministry received answers on security guarantees in Europe

26 января 2022, 13:54
Russia has received some replies to its questions about security guarantees, discussed in January this year, but so far they are oral.

This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Grushko when communicating with journalists in the State Duma.

“Yes, we have already received some answers to our questions so far verbally. But, firstly, we want to know why some of our proposals are unacceptable”, - Interfax quotes the words of the diplomat.

According to Alexander Grushko, the security guarantees offered by Russia lead to an improvement in the situation, everything is laid out in them by points, when considering which "it is impossible to object".

“Each of them really leads to strengthening security, removing military tension and to the possibility to switch to more rational ways of ensuring security than creating threats and counterthreats,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

He expressed concern that on the "eastern flank" the previously calm regions of the Baltic and the Black Sea "due to NATO expansion, the development of territories, are turning into a military rivalry that no one needs".

The diplomat believes that now the issue of European security is at the "dangerous line". This situation dictates the need to return to the construction of global security. The solution of this issue, according to Grushko, "will free up resources for solving peaceful problems, for the implementation of the agenda, which today is already on the horizon of international politics."

He expressed hope that the Western partners would appreciate the peaceful potential of the Russian proposals and eventually support them.

Earlier it was reported that a sharp drop in the exchange rate of the ruble and the value of shares of Russian companies occurred against the background of the aggravation of the situation on the border with Ukraine and the unsuccessful completion of negotiations between the Russian Foreign Ministry and representatives of the United States and NATO on security issues. The ultimatum put forward by the Russian side regarding the non-expansion of NATO and other aspects was rejected.

The double diplomatic failure of the Russian delegation in negotiations with Western partners inevitably affected the mood of investors.

According to Forbes, in the last month alone, the combined wealth of 104 Russian billionaires has fallen by $27.9 billion. The most significant losses are with the main owners of Novatek and Sibur, Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko. Over the past month, they have lost $2.1 and $1.9 billion, respectively.