Posted 31 января 2022,, 14:53

Published 31 января 2022,, 14:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Novaya Gazeta filed a complaint to the IC against Kadyrov for calling for the destruction of journalists

Novaya Gazeta filed a complaint to the IC against Kadyrov for calling for the destruction of journalists

31 января 2022, 14:53
Фото: Николай Русанов
The editors of Novaya Gazeta sent a statement to the Investigative Committee demanding that a criminal case be initiated against the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, who publicly called Igor Kalyapin, a member of the presidential Human Rights Council, and Yelena Milashina, a Novaya Gazeta journalist, “terrorists.”

As noted in the editorial report, the application was submitted to the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

The reason for the appeal was a statement made by Kadyrov on January 24 in social networks that Kalyapin and Milashina are “accomplices of terrorists” who “make money on the topic of the Chechen Republic and Chechens, developing scenarios and whispering texts and behavior into the ears of their characters”.

In his speech, Kadyrov said that he sees "no difference" between terrorists and their "accomplices", and called for their destruction.

“We cleared our land of them and now we are mercilessly fighting them, wherever they are”, - the newspaper quotes the words of the head of Chechnya.

After these words of Kadyrov, the editors of Novaya demanded that the ICR initiate a criminal case against the official under the article on inciting hatred or enmity (clause “a”, part 2 of article 282 of the Criminal Code).

The reason for Kadyrov's speech about "terrorists" was the scandalous story of the kidnapping by Chechen security forces of the mother of a human rights activist from the "Committee against Torture" Abubakar Yangulbaev Zarema Musaeva.

Chechen security forces broke into Musayeva's house in Nizhny Novgorod. They beat Zarema's husband, federal judge Saydi Yangulbaev, and kidnapped their daughter Aliya, Zarema herself, who suffers from severe insulin-dependent diabetes.

The security forces acted extremely cruelly: they did not allow Musayeva to take warm clothes and the medicines she needed. Despite the protests of the family and the lawyer, they dragged Musayeva out into the 10-degree frost without a warm jacket and without shoes and forced her to walk through the snow barefoot to the car.

The Nizhny Novgorod security forces did not respond to the statements of the victims about the attack and abduction.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, expressed his threats against the entire Yangulbaev family on social networks, saying that they also allegedly support terrorism, and their place is “underground”. This happened despite the fact that there is no valid court decision regarding the Yangulbaevs recognizing them as terrorists. Consequently, the accusations by Kadyrov are not based on the law and can be regarded as a criminally punishable act - slander.

Meanwhile, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on Kadyrov's words about Milashina and Kalyapin, did not find a crime in the incident. He stated that it was "his right" to "use the word 'terrorist accomplices' in relation to these people".