Posted 31 января 2022,, 06:20

Published 31 января 2022,, 06:20

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The mayor of Uyar filed a complaint to the police against a citizen of Krasnoyarsk who criticized the city Christmas tree

31 января 2022, 06:20
The mayor of the city of Uyar, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Valery Prishchepko, filed a complaint with the police against a resident of Krasnoyarsk, Alexei Krasheninnikov, who criticized the city square on which the New Year tree was installed on social networks.

The Krasnoyarsk citizen told VKontakte about this.

"We were amazed and surprised by what we saw there. There was an ordinary Christmas tree, assembled from branches, standing on a rusty iron pipe, which was not even decorated with anything, not fenced with anything. Just two meters of rusty pipe at the bottom of the Christmas tree. […] There was no slide there… We just cleared a nickel around the Christmas tree and covered it all around with snowdrifts”, - Krasheninnikov told

He indicated that in one of his posts he advised local residents to unite in an initiative group and “ask the administration of the city of Uyar about what funds this (improvement of the city square - ed.) was used for, and then think if they could not be a public group make it all cheaper and easier.” This publication was the reason for the statement to the police.

TVK, referring to its source, writes that city officials believe that Krasheninnikov slandered the mayor's office and unreasonably accused him of wasting budget funds.

It's worth reminding that in 2019, a wide public outcry was caused by the purchase of a New Year tree for 18 million rubles by the Kemerovo City Hall. The mayor of Kemerovo, Ilya Seredyuk, explained the high cost of the purchase by the fact that the new Christmas tree "has more than a thousand programs, and every day you can change the programs, you can display inscriptions, patterns".