Posted 1 февраля 2022, 06:25

Published 1 февраля 2022, 06:25

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Children under five years old will be vaccinated against covid by Sputnik V in the form of a spray

Children under five years old will be vaccinated against covid by Sputnik V in the form of a spray

1 февраля 2022, 06:25
For coronavirus vaccination of children under five years of age, Sputnik V will probably be used in the form of a nasal spray, said the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg.

He indicated in an interview with Interfax that he would offer this form of vaccination for children.

“I don’t know what will be decided as a result: dilute it (the Sputnik V vaccine - editor's note) 10 times or use the intranasal form for children from six months to five years old”, - Gintsburg said, answering the question whether developed a drug for vaccination of children from five years of age and younger.

According to the scientist, first, tests of the nasal form of the vaccine for adults should be completed.

It's worth reminding that the Gamaleya Center patented the anti-covid vaccine in the form of a spray at the beginning of last year. In November 2021, Gintsburg announced the absence of any side effects from such a vaccine.

It should be noted that vaccination of minors against coronavirus has now started in a number of Russian regions. We are talking about teenagers aged 12-17 years. Vaccination with the preparation "Sputnik M" is carried out.
