Posted 7 февраля 2022,, 16:12

Published 7 февраля 2022,, 16:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Nature is not taken into account: Apple imposes the concept of "pregnant people"

7 февраля 2022, 16:12
“Insanity is getting stronger!” - this is how the RuNet discusses the innovation of Apple, which recently added new “emoji”, among which there are pregnant men. In the original, in English, this category is called pregnant person.

Kissing same-sex couples and families with two same-sex parents in the iPhone emoji already, as they say, practically surprise no one - you have to try to find out an ordinary (still) traditional family among the presented “range” of human relationships characteristic of the “new normal”. But Apple does not stop there, but keeps up with the times.

“In case you didn’t know, there are now ‘pregnant people’ who don’t have a clearly distinguishable gender. History books will use images like these to illustrate the sheer madness that happened in our era,” wrote blogger peachblossom_bazi, noting that all this is a reflection of the attacks on women.

Among the 37 new emoji coming to the Apple iPhone are pregnant men. Emojipedia's draft list of "emoji" including "pregnant men" emoji was published last summer and has been approved for some users since September 2021. And to a wide audience of iPhone users, they will reportedly be available later this year.

According to the Emojipedia blog, the new emoji symbolize "recognition that pregnancy is possible for some transgender men and non-binary people".

Here is how they comment on the innovation:

- It's sickeningly. Horrible!

- The insanity is getting stronger. And how can one refuse this "charm"?

- iPhones - to the landfill! Sales will fall - they will remove this abomination, like pretty ones.

- A woman who almost became a man, who met a man who became almost a woman, and a woman who almost became a man became pregnant from a man who became almost a woman... Not an easy fate, huh...

- I live in the USA, and since last year, medical forms have been updated in medical insurance. Among the heaps of questions was a question about gender and you had to choose from 6 suggested answers! For example, Sisgenger: a person whose sense of self and gender coincide from birth. I ask the nurse: "Isn't it the same as a man or a woman?" So they looked at me like I was inadequate...

- But watching the movie "Junior" in childhood was fun for everyone))).

- Freaks are abnormal.

- How tired of all this! Especially when this rubbish is imposed in schools!

- Yes, this is a man who drinks beer, eats hamburgers and does not watch his weight!

- Tolerance was perceived by many as permissiveness! And use it as they want!

- Where can I write a complaint? A man physiologically cannot become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child...

- Dehumanize. This is not our reality. I hope we can uphold traditional values and remain men and women.