Posted 8 февраля 2022,, 17:26

Published 8 февраля 2022,, 17:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38 founder threatened with death in France

8 февраля 2022, 17:26
Vladimir Osechkin, founder of the human rights project, reported that he received death threats. Presumably, the Chechen diaspora in France will deal with its liquidation.

According to Osechkin, now those who ordered his murder are looking for the perpetrator of the crime, and a price of €100,000 has been set for the attack and physical elimination of the human rights activist. According to representatives of the Chechen diaspora in France, the order to kill Osechkin was announced in the President Hotel in Moscow.

“Another source from Moscow said yesterday that one of the employees of the Main Operational Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, while intoxicated, reported that the Federal Penitentiary Service and the FSB realized that Vladimir and would not stop, and through secret agents among immigrants performers from the North Caucasus were found and in the near future Vladimir Osechkin will be “liquidated””, - The Insider quoted Osechkin as saying.

At the same time, the human rights activist added that he was not afraid of an assassination attempt and was convinced that he and his associates "did everything right".

The human rights project gained great fame in Russia and abroad after a series of high-profile publications of video evidence of torture brought from Russian colonies.

In the fall of 2021, human rights activists released footage of torture and rape of patients in the Saratov prison hospital. On November 1, 2021, a video was published on the official YouTube channel, which contains a list of officials who organized the torture and rape of prisoners in OTB-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Saratov Region. After the video archive was published, Putin removed Alexander Kalashnikov from the post of head of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Later, the Human Rights Council (HRC), during a visit to OTB-1 in Saratov, confirmed that prisoners were systematically tortured and abused in this hospital.

Then, on the channel, there was an interview with the former captain of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan, Zafar Ilmuradov, who ended up in the Omsk colony No. 7. He recorded a video of torture in IK-7 on a wristwatch with a built-in camera and handed it over to his wife.

After that, human rights activists published a video of torture from the Krasnoyarsk colony No. 17, where a prisoner was beaten and pushed into the toilet in order to “rape and dip his head into the toilet”, and another was thrown out of the window. The victim died two days later.

“This publication is less than 1% of what we have”, - said the human rights activists of the project.

They promised to continue “consistently exposing sodomy, torture and crimes against humanity and humanity, in which hundreds and hundreds of unscrupulous FSB, FSIN and their covert agents are involved.”

At the end of 2021, it was reported that programmer Sergei Savelyev, who handed over a video archive of torture in Saratov OTB-1 to human rights activists, was also harassed and received death threats for “taking out dirty linen from the hut” from plainclothes security officials, presumably FSB officers.