Posted 9 февраля 2022, 06:39

Published 9 февраля 2022, 06:39

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The prisoners of the Saratov pre-trial detention center inflicted cuts on themselves

The prisoners of the Saratov pre-trial detention center inflicted cuts on themselves

9 февраля 2022, 06:39
Фото: 1MI
The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Saratov region stated that the prisoners of SIZO-1 in the regional center inflicted cuts on themselves with blades. The department is checking the situation.

As indicated in the service, we are talking about those convicted under articles of murder, grievous bodily harm, robbery, robbery, as well as those accused of robbery.

"Refusing to comply with the legal requirements of the administration of the regime institution, (they - editor's note) cut themselves with fragments of blades from disposable machines", - an Interfax source in the Federal Penitentiary Service reports.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, the doctor assessed the condition of all the victims as satisfactory.

On February 7, two people from the same pre-trial detention center were hospitalized in City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Saratov. One of them had a cut wound of the abdominal wall, the other had cut wounds of the forearm and abdominal cavity. According to the human rights project, prisoners inflict injuries on themselves in order to "avoid being placed in a sweatbox and raped".

It's worth reminding that in October 2021, human rights activists published a video of torture and rape of prisoners in a Saratov prison hospital. The Investigative Committee opened 12 criminal cases. A number of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service were dismissed from service.
