Posted 16 февраля 2022,, 10:34

Published 16 февраля 2022,, 10:34

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Djokovic states he's ready to miss Wimbledon in order not to get vaccinated

16 февраля 2022, 10:34
The Serbian tennis player is ready to sacrifice the most important world tournaments to avoid vaccination. However, he does not consider himself an anti-vaxxer.

World No. 1 Novak Djokovic has given his first interview since his controversial Australian Open expulsion, BBC reported. After an 11-day saga of visa cancellations, two legal battles and five nights in an immigrant hotel, the unvaccinated Djokovic was deported from the country, missing out on his 10th Australian Open and 21st Grand Slam title.

“I understand that without being vaccinated, I cannot go to most of the tournaments that are currently taking place. Yes, that's the price I'm willing to pay," Djokovic told the BBC. “Because the ability to make decisions about my body is more important to me than any title and everything else (…) It’s not clear enough for me how the covid vaccine can affect me and whether it will deprive me of playing advantages.”

At the same time, Djokovic claims that he respects the global vaccination program and does not fundamentally exclude the possibility of being vaccinated in the future: “I understand that all people around the world are trying to make an effort to fight this virus and, I hope, will end it soon. But today my decision and my position is this, although I know that I will suffer the consequences. In any case, I'm open to everything, so we'll see."