Figure of the day: “free” Russian health care turned out to be more expensive than American

Figure of the day: “free” Russian health care turned out to be more expensive than American

16 февраля 2022, 10:22
If a Russian, on average, only spends 4.1% of his salary on medical services without drugs, then an American spends only 3.6%, including drugs

Everyone knows that in Russia, like the USSR, medicine is free, while in America health insurance costs space money, so it's cheaper to die. But at the same time, for some reason, the Americans do not die, even though Russian propagandists are very fond of talking about this blatant difference. But how does it work in reality? Novosibirsk entrepreneur Yevgeny Pyatkovsky, as usual, collected facts and figures, and picked up a calculator:

"Let's count!

In Russia, contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are 4.1% of the salary. The average salary in Russia is 49,000 rubles (official data, so keep quiet!). Total: per month it is 2009 rubles, and per year 24,000 rubles.

What is included? A visit to a clinic, a dentist, if the filling is old Soviet and no anesthesia. Operations are paid from the budget, but there are "quotas" that people often do not wait for and die. Wait for a quota on average one year.

In the USSR, the contribution for medical and social insurance was 5-7% of the salary, depending on the category. That is 1.5 times more than now.

Important: in Russia you are tied to a specific clinic and you can change it only once a year.

What's in America? The median salary in the US in 2022 is $4,635 per month. The cost of health insurance in the US in 2022 is $455 per month.

Yeah, you say, fuck you, I say. When applying for insurance, you can take a government subsidy, the amount of which is inversely proportional to the level of income: the lower the income, the greater the subsidy. Therefore, paid insurance can be almost free ($1, $5, or even 0) if the amount of the subsidy is equal to its cost.

The subsidy in 2022 is $290 per month.

That is $455-$290 = $165 per month.

So we consider: 165/4635x100% = 3.6%

What comes out? The most expensive medicine in the world, with the highest salaries of doctors, one of the best in the world costs...

Let me remind you.

In Russia, free medicine costs 4.1% of the salary, in the USSR it cost 5-7%, and in rotten America 3.6%

Oh, I forgot! American insurance includes medicines that a doctor will prescribe for you. Yes, damn it, pills and medicines are also at the expense of the insurance.

It turns out that expensive American medicine is cheaper than "free" medicine in Russia? Oh, and let's compare the disgusting ward in the USA and ours, tight-fisted, in Russia? Well, in the pictures...

Российская больница
Американская больница


Keep silent, dear Russians... And flow around, flow around...”

#Health #Health problems #Ministry of Health #Общество #Figure of the day #News #Russia #USA #Situation #Healthcare system