We have billions, but have no apartments: the state fund "DOM.RF" disavowed the equity holders of the residential complex "Laikovo"

We have billions, but have no apartments: the state fund "DOM.RF" disavowed the equity holders of the residential complex "Laikovo"

17 февраля 2022, 13:52
After the publication of Novye Izvestia about the long-suffering Laikovo residential complex, where equity holders have been waiting for their apartments for the ninth year, a “letter of refutation” came to the editorial office from a well-known organization.

It followed from it that the state fund "DOM.RF" has NOTHING to do with solving the problems of equity holders. We explain why this is not so.

The representative of DOM.RF, in his letter of refutation, does his best to disown the deceived equity holders and asks to remove references to DOM.RF from the article. Otherwise, the editorial office, according to him, may face “litigation risks” due to inaccurate data, damaged business reputation of DOMA.RF, etc.

After persistent requests, we decided to look at this story again. We carefully studied the documents of equity holders, contracts on the public procurement website, and TV spots aired on federal channels and came to the conclusion that DOM.RF, to put it mildly, is disingenuous, insisting that nothing connects it with equity holders.

Firstly, the equity holders of the Laikovo residential complex , taught by bitter experience, keep correspondence with the authorities to which they applied. They also contacted DOM.RF.

The answers from the organization came on letterhead, where the DOM.RF logo was clearly printed! And there are not one or two such answers, but dozens!

Логотипы и подписи от Фонда защиты прав дольщиков неразлучно спарены с логотипом ДОМ.РФ
Логотипы и подписи от Фонда защиты прав дольщиков неразлучно спарены с логотипом ДОМ.РФ

In these documents, the organization, by the way, does not redirect people's complaints, does not outweigh the responsibility on others, so to speak, authorized ones. On the contrary, in multi-page letters, representatives of DOM.RF patiently and in detail explain at what stage the construction is, what work is planned to be completed and by what date, what bankruptcy lawsuits are underway for developers, and what property they still have was confiscated, and most importantly - for What should tenants expect? Financial calculations and road maps are attached to the answers . In other words, until the beginning of 2022, DOM.RF delved into the problems of the Laikovo Residential Complex thoroughly - as a person who strictly fulfills his duties of building communications.

Answers to citizens are signed by the director of the Information Support for Shared Construction Participants Division. On the digital print, the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens - Participants in Shared Construction is inseparably paired with the DOM.RF logo.

The press service of DOM.RF nevertheless insists in a letter to Novye Izvestia: "DOM.RF has not negotiated the completion of the construction of shared construction projects."

В Кремле тоже считают, что "ДОМ.РФ" обязан помогать обманутым дольщикам "Лайково"

In July 2020, Alexandra Morozova , a shareholder of the Laikovo residential complex, addressed her problem to the Administration of the President of Russia. In her letter, she told how, since 2014, developers have been feeding equity holders with promises, after which they go bankrupt, withdraw money offshore and disappear, while people continue to pay mortgages and live in rented apartments.

What did the Kremlin say? And the Kremlin, represented by an adviser to the Department of Written Appeals from Citizens and Organizations, said that there was no need to jump over your head, and before writing to the President, it would be nice to first contact DOM.RF - that is, at the first address where they should deal with solving her problem .

“Due to the fact that your application does not contain information about the consideration of the issue by DOM.RF JSC, whose competence includes its decision, in order to ensure that you receive an answer on the merits of the question you raised, your appeal was sent to DOM.RF JSC. [a copy of the answer is available in the editorial office, NI].

However, the Press Service of DOM.RF notes in a letter to Novye Izvestia:

"DOM.RF is not engaged in the completion of the construction of problematic shared construction projects."

It would seem that this could be the point. Well, who will argue with documentary evidence from the Presidential Administration?

But we have collected some more additional evidence.

On September 27, 2018, an initiative group of deceived equity holders of the Urban Group demanded a round table with the developer and officials. Who do you think came to the meeting, in addition to representatives of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Government of the Moscow Region? That's right - representatives of DOM.RF! And they did not sit quietly in a corner, but made a very important statement to themselves under the protocol.

На встрече с обманутыми дольщиками представитель "ДОМ.РФ" заявил, что организация контролирует и финансово снабжает Фонд защиты прав дольщиков

Whom should the victims contact if everyone is responsible for the unfinished house at once - the Ministry of Construction, the Fund for Assistance to Shareholders, DOM.RF, the Government of the Region, etc., and, therefore, according to Russian tradition, no one answers? The representative of DOM.RF answered this question of equity holders about the personification of responsibility voluntarily, no one pulled him by the tongue.

“First, let's separate two different organizations - the Foundation, which is a non-profit organization, and DOM.RF. These are different things, it's just confusion. It [the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Shareholders] is under our control, since there are no funds there, we manage it and maintain it essentially on behalf of the Government, and the money is allocated separately for each target task,” a representative of DOM.RF said at the meeting. ".

Various aggregators for checking counterparties and business analysis also do not separate DOM.RF from the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens - Participants in Equity Construction .

So, "Kommersant. Kartoteka" testifies that "DOM.RF" directly established the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Shareholders, that is, was its owner. Another special database tells us that Konstantin Timofeyev, General Director of the Foundation, is (was) a member of the Committee of the Audit Commission of Dom.RF JSC.

Did the press service of DOM.RF write angry letters to all federal channels, which, in their stories without cuts, accused the state company of being unable to solve the problems of deceived equity holders?

Dozens of such materials appeared on television and in print media.

“The defrauded equity holders claim that DOMA.RF is unable to solve their problems. "DOM.RF" must save deceived equity holders. Recently, the State Duma gave the Fund the right to dispose of unfinished houses. People have been waiting for help for months. The state fund "DOM.RF" should provide it. But after his intervention, the shareholder says, it only got worse. Houses are 73% ready, although before the entry of "DOMA.RF" it was 86% ready. Along the way, they dismantled the house a little ”(Izvestia channel - IZ.RU).

Счетная палата попросила Генпрокуратуру разобраться с коррупцией в госфонде, созданном для решения проблем обманутых дольщиков

This is a typical plot, of which there were many in 2018-2020.

In addition, the Accounts Chamber applied to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check for signs of corruption in DOM.RF JSC.

On the website of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, a whole section is devoted to the topic, it is called “There is a question about the work of the Fund”. In the reports, the auditors draw attention to the low level of expenditure of earmarked funds in 2018 and 2019.

In April 2020, President Vladimir Putin ordered to capitalize the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens - Participants in Shared Construction by an additional 30 billion rubles and provide 50 billion rubles to the Dom.RF operator "as state guarantees".

But where does DOM.RF spend the allocated billions, if not to provide work directly for the completion of houses, including for the defrauded equity holders of the Laikovo residential complex?

Recall that they have been waiting for state assistance for nine (!) years.

#Construction Activity #Construction #Apartments #News #Russia #Moscow region #Deceived shareholders #Shareholders #Политика