Refugees from the DPR staged a quarrel with a bus driver

Refugees from the DPR staged a quarrel with a bus driver

19 февраля 2022, 17:33
Evacuees from the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic talk about huge traffic jams from cars on the border near the Rostov region. At the same time, those who have already crossed the border do not know what to do: there are no more places in temporary settlements.

Refugees have no food, no toilet, no way to contact loved ones or return home.

According to, about three dozen buses with a thousand refugees arrived in the village of Krasny landing. There are sanatoriums in the settlement, where the authorities were going to settle the evacuees. At the same time, the Kotlostroitel camp no longer accepts guests.

- We've come to nowhere. We don't know what to do next. On the spot we will figure out where to live. If there are not enough places, we will ask the local residents, - the arrivals told the correspondent of the publication.

The publication says that there are a lot of women with babies among those who came from Donbass. The author of the material claims that they were not provided with food or a roof over their heads.

- If we freeze to death here, who will be responsible for this? they said.

The drivers of the buses that brought the refugees are surprised by the closure of the borders.

- I have 50 rubles in my pocket. We will then ram the gate, - the driver tells the correspondent. In addition, there was a conflict between the passengers and the driver at the border. He explained that he had not slept for a day and could not drive in such a state, he needed police escort to transport citizens.

- I will go to prison, and you - to the Russian cemetery! - said the tired driver.

Now the issue of transporting those who arrived from the DPR to Rostov is being decided, this is about 80 km of the road. The quota for settlement is 400 people.

Earlier, refugees have already complained that they spent the whole night in cold buses in the village of Krasny Desant after the start of the evacuation of civilians from Donbass. Late in the evening the day before, people were received at the Matveev Kurgan border crossing, where they were put on buses and sent to the Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region. There, the authorities intended to create temporary accommodation centers for refugees. The evacuees complained that they did not expect such a cold and indifferent reception in Russia, and added that it would be better for them to stay at home and “wait out in the basements” than to freeze with their children for hours on an icy road in Russia.

#People #Refugees #Regions #Общество #News #Russia #Rostov region #Situation #DPR Donetsk people republic #LPR Luhansk People's Republic