Posted 21 февраля 2022, 16:52

Published 21 февраля 2022, 16:52

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

TV insists: everyone wants war, except Russia

TV insists: everyone wants war, except Russia

21 февраля 2022, 16:52
Propagandists claim that Russia was not going to overthrow the fascist and misanthropic regime of Ukraine, but was only preparing to repel Kiev’s possible aggression against the Russian Donbass.

Sergey Mitrofanov

We usually expect clarity from Sunday TV. Not so much, however, according to the situation, but according to the direction of the thoughts of the political leaders. And now it seemed that the tension of the last days was beginning to decrease. The endless military exercises on the borders of the Russian Federation seem to be ending, and the prospects for the Third World War in the top of the news are relegated to an equal place with the Olympics, coronavirus and LGBT activism in the American government. On the other hand, militaristic propaganda has not disappeared either.

What is happening on the ideological front?

And that's what happens there. Russia scares everyone with its nuclear weapons, and Lukashenka is generally incomprehensible "supernuclear". And everyone is really scared. How not to be afraid? Moreover, the Kremlin directly declares a military and military-technical response to the intractability of the West, whatever that means. However, what happens next is apparently not quite what the Kremlin was counting on in this propaganda operation. In theory, the West should immediately run to negotiate with Russia, as if it had already suffered a crushing defeat. And the "frightened West" acted differently, but also logically - it consolidated on the defensive. And even more - he began to arm Ukraine to repulse, which the Kremlin threatened, again unequivocally and directly, that in the near future it would overthrow its fascist regime.

From this situation, a theory arose that the concentration of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine was preparation for an invasion, which, according to American intelligence, was planned for some dates in February. On this occasion, Western emissaries reached out to Moscow to persuade Putin not to do this. On the one hand, Moscow denied everything, and on the other hand, it continuously launched missiles capable of carrying nuclear charges, so that it seemed that the denial of the invasion was just for show, and whoever tries to save Ukraine will get tinsel with our missiles. Thanks to Stalin and Beria (*not a joke) and the executed Rosenberg spy spouses for supplying us with weapons! Now we are forcibly making the world happy by offering a new global security.

Moreover, in Moscow they seriously believed that Russia won this round, because the coercion to negotiate with the West practically happened. It remains a little, to push Ukraine to a confederation (the essence of the Minsk agreements) with the support of frightened European rulers.

Concept change

However, the anxious expectation of indispensable aggression from Russia gradually began to undermine this ideological construction. After all, Russia turned out to be an aggressor even without the very fact of a new aggression. Which, in turn, unleashed the hands of the West for sanctions, and Ukraine was literally driven into the NATO bloc hostile to Russia, instead of turning it away forever.

In addition, according to the most superficial calculations, a real invasion of Ukraine, if it happened, turned out to be unacceptable for Russia - both in terms of human losses, and in terms of its position in the world, and in terms of the economic situation in Russia itself, where and so the purchasing power of pensions and the Russian currency is declining.

As a result, the concept has changed a lot. Russia was no longer going to overthrow the fascist and misanthropic regime of continental Ukraine, somehow even reconciling with it, in general, but only supposedly intending to repel Kiev’s possible aggression against the Russian Donbass. Then, they say, and only in this case, could Russia invade far beyond the line of demarcation. The problem with this concept is that it became completely incomprehensible why Kiev would need to call on itself armed to the teeth hordes waiting on the border. And just at the time when the invasion was predicted by American intelligence.

The answer of Propaganda and TV (in the program of D. Kiselev) is given as follows. A war with the subsequent transformation of Russia into an unconditional aggressor is needed by absolutely all world players, except for Russia.

Biden - because he is old, does not think well and prefers simple provocations.

Macron - because he is an imperialist, he thinks of himself as a French emperor, a descendant of French emperors, and he has elections on his nose, he wants to shut up his opponents with victories (or defeats?) On the Ukrainian front

Erdogan, because he has forty percent inflation, and the war at hand, as usual, distracts from the pressing problems of life.

Boris Johnson is "voluptuously looking forward to war" because it shifts public opinion away from his parties.

Royal family…

Zelensky - because he got confused.

In addition, Ukraine’s stuffing with Western weapons (although clearly not of an offensive nature and clearly not against Russian “zircons”) makes Ukraine’s invasion of the Donbas allegedly almost inevitable.

Evacuation of Donbass

The theoretical inevitability of the offensive of continental Ukraine prompted the leadership of Donbass to carry out mass mobilization to the sound of a siren and nobly evacuate the civilian population, women, children, mothers, the elderly, and the disabled, saving them from the coming war.

(Although this could mean that the territory is being vacated for the entry of Russian armed forces.)

According to the plan, they wanted to evacuate 700,000 people, which would have something in common with the Stalinist deportation of peoples, but so far only 40,000 or even less have turned out, since the “picture” ran into limited resources. It turned out that it is not enough to transport these 700,000 people across the border, but then you have to put them somewhere, place them, feed them, and then they will also get sick with covid.

The current flight of an entire people is also not very explicable from the point of view that until quite recently the Donbass armed forces imprisoned Ukrainian forces in boilers, and the Donbass military leaders expressed their desire to attack Kiev if Moscow allowed it, and there was no doubt that they would win. . And then suddenly everyone ran away, although there was no invasion.

It should be noted that when analyzing this situation, we listen not only to words, but also look at the “picture”. And on it we see: here are buses with refugees, but behind them cars drive quietly and passers-by walk, no smoke, no destruction, no wounded. (Only the police chief's car exploded in a safe proximity to the administration building; one wonders, how did the saboteurs manage to mine it?). The refugees also did not look very unhappy, it seems that they thought that they were being taken to rest in rich Russia, and they would also pay 10,000 rubles for extras. They did not know that with these 10 thousand they would not last even a week in Russia.

Even propagandists loyal to the Kremlin admitted that if the West was trolling us with the expectation of a Russian invasion, then we turned things around in such a way that we are waiting for a Ukrainian offensive in the same days and ahead of time depicting a humanitarian catastrophe.

That's where everything stopped for now.
