Posted 3 марта 2022, 09:20

Published 3 марта 2022, 09:20

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

With the start of the special operation in Ukraine, sales of Doomsday bunkers increased by 1000%

3 марта 2022, 09:20
People from all over the world, including from Italy, Great Britain, Denmark, Japan, Canada and the USA demonstrate the interest in bomb shelters now.

Since the start of Russia's "special operation" in Ukraine, the Doomsday bunker business has seen an explosion of interest, reports The Sun. Rising S Bunkers, a Texas-based company that sells bomb shelters at prices ranging from a $39,500 mini bunker to an $8.35 million deluxe bunker, said sales have increased “astronomically” by 1,000% over the past week. .

In past years, the company sold between two and six shelters a month. Last week, she sold that much on the first day of the "special operation." Clients call from all over the world: from Italy, Great Britain, Denmark, Japan, Canada, not to mention the USA. Among them are wealthy people from among professional athletes, politicians, owners of technology companies. Interest is caused by fears that Russia will continue its expansion to the West, and this will provoke a new world war.

Rising S builds bunkers, which are located 3.5 meters underground and can be equipped not only with bedrooms and kitchens, but also with rooms for growing plant foods, fitness centers, elevators, swimming pools, sauna, theaters, shooting ranges, bowling alleys, laundries and many others. The company claims that, starting in 2019, it sent several bunkers for the army under a contract to Ukraine, which can be built and then quickly demolished and moved to another location.